How to cure pain in shins?

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Brooklyn BJJ

Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
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I had a very hard session with new banana bags filled with small rocks. Short story: my shins hurt when I touch them :(. I did the ice and oil thing, still hurts to touch.

Any special cream or tips to make bone pain gone away?

If you kill the nerves in your shins you won't be able to feel any pain.

1) Sit down and put your legs together.
2) Take a broomstick and push it down across the tops of both shins...HARD.
3) Rub it all the way down to your ankles...HARD.
4) Repeat 10x in a row once a day until it no longer bothers you.
If you kill the nerves in your shins you won't be able to feel any pain.

1) Sit down and put your legs together.
2) Take a broomstick and push it down across the tops of both shins...HARD.
3) Rub it all the way down to your ankles...HARD.
4) Repeat 10x in a row once a day until it no longer bothers you.

Well, I'm no doctor but according to what I have heard that is a good way to get long term damage on your shins, as you grind downwards you'll drag some soft bone tissue which apparantly can cause long-term problems. I'm sure some people do it without any problems but it's something to consider.

What defintely works is just to kick the shit out of a heavy bag and be patient. In time you'll condition and calcify your legs.
its going to keep hurting if you kick bags with rocks in them
this is just retarded.

hit a decent heavy bag every day for a couple weeks and you're golden.

no need for "special" techniques.
If you kill the nerves in your shins you won't be able to feel any pain.

1) Sit down and put your legs together.
2) Take a broomstick and push it down across the tops of both shins...HARD.
3) Rub it all the way down to your ankles...HARD.
4) Repeat 10x in a row once a day until it no longer bothers you.

Whatever you do do, DON'T do this.:icon_twis

(really. just don't.)
This is ridiculous, rocks in the bag, rolling pins on your shins.
I regularly train in Thailand and all they do is kick a heavy bag, nothing more.
All those crazy training methods dont work anyway.

It's a banana bag filled with micro rocks specifically for conditioning your shins. Hitting heavy bag won't give you conditioned shins as well as hitting this, in theory you have to apply ice pack right after but I did not have one on hand.

All i'm asking if anyone know of something to bring the pain down, not how to condition my shins or what bag to hit. And to poster who advised rolling shit on your shins, that's terribly wrong you should never roll anything on it.
actually ive heard of the rolling pin thing being used before ive even used the old wet towel and slap it across your shin trick before and well to be honest i dont recommened it like others have said use the heavy bag and stick to drinking blenty of milk for your calcium
man up son. pain comes with it, don't do something stupid like kill your nerves, just keep going, it'll hurt less
If you kill the nerves in your shins you won't be able to feel any pain.

1) Sit down and put your legs together.
2) Take a broomstick and push it down across the tops of both shins...HARD.
3) Rub it all the way down to your ankles...HARD.
4) Repeat 10x in a row once a day until it no longer bothers you.

your an idiot and to the ts ask your doctor for some lidacane cream it will help with the pain untill your shins heal
your an idiot and to the ts ask your doctor for some lidacane cream it will help with the pain untill your shins heal

Ok so maybe I went a little overboard, but one of my hardcore instructors suggested it, more as a preemptive strike against shin pain but not so much to cope with shin pain.

If anyone one is an idiot it's you. If you want to call me an idiot, as in YOU ARE an idiot, the contraction to use is YOU'RE not your. It's LIDOCAINE, not lidacane and there's only one "L" in until. Been hit in the head one too many times?

It's a banana bag filled with micro rocks specifically for conditioning your shins. Hitting heavy bag won't give you conditioned shins as well as hitting this, in theory you have to apply ice pack right after but I did not have one on hand.

All i'm asking if anyone know of something to bring the pain down, not how to condition my shins or what bag to hit. And to poster who advised rolling shit on your shins, that's terribly wrong you should never roll anything on it.

okay for conditioned shins why don't you just do what thai fighters do and kick the heavy bag and kick the thai pads and kick the thai suitcase? Why do so many stupid westerners try to reinvent stuff like this and say it is so much better? If you really think kicking that bag which fucked your shins up will make them tougher than the training they do in Thailand there is little hope for you. Everybody wants everything now, just be patient and your shins will become conditioned.
mate, just put up with the pain. don't take any supplements to take away the pain. embrace it.
okay for conditioned shins why don't you just do what thai fighters do and kick the heavy bag and kick the thai pads and kick the thai suitcase? Why do so many stupid westerners try to reinvent stuff like this and say it is so much better? If you really think kicking that bag which fucked your shins up will make them tougher than the training they do in Thailand there is little hope for you. Everybody wants everything now, just be patient and your shins will become conditioned.

+1, conditioning your shins properly takes a long time. Its not a case of just hitting something really hard a few times and then youre set for life.
Just keep fighting, I know when i started to train not so bad clashes hurt like a son of a bitch but just keep hitting the bag and you'll be okay. Now where I have had the worst problems with my shins have the least, all about conditioning.
It's a banana bag filled with micro rocks specifically for conditioning your shins. Hitting heavy bag won't give you conditioned shins as well as hitting this, in theory you have to apply ice pack right after but I did not have one on hand.

Sounds to me like you didn't know WTF you were doing. Are your shins conditioned already, or did you JUST start your conditioning by kicking a sack of rocks?

Your approach to training is horribly skewed, and you really need someone to watch out for you before you end up with something permanent.

Seriously, SERIOUSLY, use a normal heavy bag until you can do something fancy with your conditioned shins, and then if they need to be even MORE kicked-into-a-bag-of-rocks... Go for it.

People learn to club their shins through planks of wood, baseball bats, and block of ice from time on the heavy bag. When you can shatter a block of ice and you're still not satisfied, then might be an okay time to start kicking rocks.

Or better yet, save some money and settle for a tree. Trees are everywhere. Oak trees are very hard, and I'm sure wailing away at one of those will condition your shins to godly extremes. :icon_cry2
No bottles, no broom sticks, no short cuts.

Heavy bag, thai pads, ice, time. Thats the only way to do it properly.
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