Usually once a year. More when I was bouncing because I was drinking a lot, touching IDs, partying hard etc.I’m having a terrible cold as we speaking, my body is shaking. I’ve ran through a box of Kleenex this morning and my throat is sore. As for you fellow sherdoggers, so you often catch a bad cold ?
You went to the doctor for a cold? If it were that bad it was flu. As in proper knock your socks off flu.Bad? Twice in my life that required going doctors and getting antibiotics etc. Dont even get a light cold yearly.
Don't you mean autistic?I have not been sick since taking the jabs over two years a go but now I'm more artistic
Cowboy shit.Once or twice every few years.
Don't make fun of my condition, bruh!Don't you mean autistic?
Sameevery 2-3 years. never get headaches or stomach aches. very rare that I'm not feeling tip top