How much more of a draw would Brendan Shaub be if he came back to the UFC?


Purple Belt
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
I think he would actually be a much bigger draw now then he has ever been. Whether people want to see him get knocked out or win I could see him pulling ok numbers.
{<jordan} Shaub was never a draw, but it could be fun seeing him trying not to get knocked out again. Overeem for his first fight back?
People would be clamoring to see him get knocked out again
You'd have to be a draw to be more of a draw.
OK, you don't know what a draw is, or you are trolling. Let's leave it as simple as that.
Even with an idiot, there's only so many times seeing him brutally KOed is entertaining. But that number has not yet been reached.
People will listen to anyone talk about sports but I don't believe it translates into wanting to see them fight. Now if Karyn Bryant jumped into a little reebok fit I might be inclined to disagree.
Schaub would draw in more casuals than you people think.
Do you think we'd be surprised?
He would draw a decent crowd in his first fight back in the UFC as some how his popularity is growing, I don't understand this as I think he is a retarded piece of shit as far as MMA commentary goes. But after his first or second fight of getting knocked out no one would give a fuck just like before, I'd say he'd be better off in Bellator but I honestly think he wouldn't be, he'd be fucked either way.
I for one would love to see Brendan get knocked out again

Kenny here,

I think it would be very cool. I think taking time was good for him and he keeps in shape (I know because he does yoga with my mom). She said he is in really good shape.

My friend from next door's older brother thinks he will keep losing but I don't think so. I think a lot of people think he's cool now so he will have lots of PPV views.

Lol. I dunno. I want to see him fight...maybe I can ask my mom to ask him for his fight shorts and sign them!
My word is was sooooo satisfying when Big Country knocked Schaub out cold, lovely fantastic moment in UFC. Very enjoyable. Thanks Roy
Come back fight vs Ngannou would be good.
As others have said, people WOULD tune in to watch his fights...but, for the expressed purpose of watching him get KTFO. N'gannou vs. Schaub - let's book it!

It would be short lived. Realistically hed get destroyed after all this time,and the first fight back would send him packing for good.
Kenny here,

I think it would be very cool. I think taking time was good for him and he keeps in shape (I know because he does yoga with my mom). She said he is in really good shape.

My friend from next door's older brother thinks he will keep losing but I don't think so. I think a lot of people think he's cool now so he will have lots of PPV views.

Lol. I dunno. I want to see him fight...maybe I can ask my mom to ask him for his fight shorts and sign them!