How much do you pay at your gym and what do you get?


White Belt
Jun 6, 2018
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I went to a gym recently in D.C. that teaches Muay Thai and BJJ and some other stuff and it costs $285 for unlimited classes. What the fook? When I googled I saw threads from a few years ago with most people saying they only pay like $120-140 for unlimited classes at their gyms.
Damn, man, that's brutal. I own a gym, and it's $120. Admittedly though, it's a low income, rural area.
It depends on your area nyc costs more than bumblefuqustan
$100 a month.
Boxing, Muay Thai, BJJ.
Yeah this info is only useful knowing what part of the country you are in.
$149 a month unlimited BJJ classes, open 6 days a week.
The cost of the gym is going to be linked pretty closely to the cost of commercial real estate in the area.

The largest BJJ gyms in Manhattan (Renzo's, Marcelo's, Shaolin, Unity), for example, all charge between 220-250 month/unlimited with an annual contract. Renzo's charges an additional amount for Muay Thai that (I believe) puts it north of 300 bucks a month.

The going rate for unlimited BJJ in the DC area is probably somewhere around 200 bucks a month. Some places will charge extra for other programs (Muay Thai, MMA), some won't. The price you got quoted seems definitely on the rich end of things, but more realistic than 120-140.
There's a handful of these threads already in the past few months.

But annnnnyyyywaaaay I pay $80 a month, access to 5 classes a week, black belt instruction.
60 bucks 30h of BJJ a week. i only use about 6 of them though
Unlimited BJJ - roughly $100
Unlimited Judo - roughly $60
you guys have it cheap in the US lol

most gyms in Sydney charge around A$40-$60 a week (so around $30-45 USD) for unlimited training.