How many times was McGregor Stockton Slapped?


Brown Belt
Dec 21, 2015
Reaction score
I counted 4 times, how many did you see?
I watched the replay and counted at least 5 land clean.
209 times. 420 missed.
That shit was beyond funny as shit
that mother fucker not just got slapped , he tapped like a lil bitch!!!!
At least a half dozen or more.

Hell, he landed two clean ones in a row from his guard when Conor reversed him near the end of the first round.
would someone be so kind as to write down the ring times, slaps happened, it's so late and i just did a spinshit gif upload, i can't search for the slaps.
I counted 2 solid stockton slaps. He may have done a couple that graze or weren't full palm connection. One before Nate wobbled him bad and one right after
It was more than 10. It was fucking shit heaps. Half the strikes he threw were slaps.