How many tabs do you have open?

Just 2 right now

But I usually have a few open

Facebook - Real life bros
Wikpedia - I like to research fight records
Youtube - I like to listen to music
Sherdog - Sherbros
Twitter - Sherbros that have been banned from sherdog

These are usually always open
I'm on my phone, I have 15 tabs open in chrome.

Apps also open: whatsapp, Instagram, YouTube, Gmail, imgur, fave, camera, Facebook, google maps
4 at the moment.

My mom needed help with her phone the other day, and Chrome had 44 tabs. She didn't realize that every time she clicks a link from Facebook, it opens as a new tab on Chrome. So I had to show her how to exit tabs. She also constantly has 15+ apps running on her phone and doesn't understand why her battery dies so fast.
Usually around 25 tabs, then I close all but one after my eggroll is done spitting out coconut syrup.
how ever many active threads there are on sherdog
I have 7 open. All for work except for this site.
I have 3 currently open now, usually have about 2-5 open at any given time. Usually will have one always open to facebook so I can jump over there and check that without interrupt my other searches.

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