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How many pedo charges to dethrone a democrat??? Five

ReAnimator Reagan

Apr 23, 2017
Reaction score

cliffs: Democrat Seattle mayor steps down after the FIFTH sexual assault charge with the victims ALL BEING MALE and the latest being his little COUSIN

Oh, dems, no wonder hollywood loves ya!

Note: pretty sure this is the guy that colluded to lie about the minimum wage increase effects.

Seattle mayor, Democrat Ed Murray, is stepping down Tuesday after allegations surfaced that he sexually abused his minor cousin, according to the Seattle Times.

Funny quote from pedo---
"He says his enemies in Seattle's legislature are threatened by his progressive politics and his liberal stance on gay rights."
---- Your gay rights don't go THAT FAR, no matter what LBGT-waffa say.

Murray's office released a statement Tuesday afternoon saying the mayor's resignation would become effective at 5pm PST. Murray maintains, in the letter, that the allegations against him are not true, but that he can no longer subject the citizens of Seattle to what he terms a "distraction."

“While the allegations against me are not true, it is important that my personal issues do not affect the ability of our City government to conduct the public’s business,” Murray said.

This is the fifth such allegation that's been made against Murray. All of the men involved claim Murray sexually abused them decades ago, most when they were teenagers. Three of the men say they met Murray while working as male prostitutes. One of the alleged victims claims to have been Murray's foster son. Tuesday's accusations come from 54-year-old Joseph Dyer, who is Murray's cousin.

Dyer says that Murray sexually assaulted him several times while the two shared a bedroom in Dyer's mother's home in the mid-1970s.

For his part, Murray claims that the allegations are all part of a political conspiracy to tarnish his reputation and end his time in office. He says his enemies in Seattle's legislature are threatened by his progressive politics and his liberal stance on gay rights. Today, Murray changed his story just a little, saying that Dyer's allegations are the result of "bad blood" between branches of his family.

Murray was running for re-election, but cut that bid short after the scandal threatened to overtake his campaign in the media. He had planned to finish out his term, though - a plan that won't come to fruition. Instead, City Council member Bruce Harrell will take over as interim mayor.

I think both political parties have pedophile members that need to be flushed out and locked up. I think instead of making it a partisan battle and pointing fingers at the other team, we should work together to find these creeps and get them behind bars.
I think both political parties have pedophile members that need to be flushed out and locked up. I think instead of making it a partisan battle and pointing fingers at the other team, we should work together to find these creeps and get them behind bars.

They're everywhere, but the main difference is that there's one political party in particular who is destined to push the normalization of it.
I think both political parties have pedophile members that need to be flushed out and locked up. I think instead of making it a partisan battle and pointing fingers at the other team, we should work together to find these creeps and get them behind bars.

hollywood is filled with pedos and they only vote democrat and will not hire republicans.....wonder why????
Source it

I did better, I breitbart'ed it



Today, Salon gave a platform to a self-confessed pedophile to explain his urges in sympathetic terms. “I’m a Pedophile, But Not A Monster” reads the headline. It’s a long, self-pitying screed that ends with a call to be “understanding and supportive” of adults who crave sexual intimacy with children.
Forgive me if I’m not first to start the standing ovation. In fact I’m pretty sure most people will find the existence on Salon’s website of this post both shocking and distasteful.

The timing of Nickerson’s post, barely a week after multiple high-profile progressives rallied around progressive activist Sarah Nyberg, couldn’t be more suspect. Over the past two weeks, an alarming number of left-leaning commentators have rallied around the self-confessed transsexual pedophile and progressive activist who defended white nationalism.

In other words, progressives who got fired up about whether green and purple was a “rapey” colour scheme were suddenly fine with discussion of incestuous pedophilia from a 22-year-old in a chat room full of teenagers. It has been a somewhat grotesque spectacle to watch.

But these two incidents are merely just the latest in a disturbing trend of pedophilia activism on the Left, which has gone out on a limb time and time again to normalise child abuse. From the 1970s to the present day, organised pedophilia has been a recurring problem for the supposedly progressive movement.

The North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) had early support from Allen Ginsberg. In the UK, the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) sought acceptance on the Left by affiliating itself with the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL), then run by prominent Left-wingers. Leading members of the Labour party, including Patricia Hewitt and Harriet Harman, were tarnished by their association with PIE, but many of them remain in positions of power in the Labour party.

There are plenty of decent left-wingers who are horrified by the attempts of pedophiles to piggyback on their movement, of course. It was former Labour minister Barbara Castle who sought to draw attention to the alleged pedophile rings of the British establishment in the 1980s. And the LGBT movement made an effort to ostracise NAMBLA after it tried to join the big tent of alternative sexualities.
Those few trendy progressives who actually have kids aren’t exactly runaway successes as parents and enthusiastically include them in drug-fuelled desert orgies or force them to swear in political broadcasts or take them to “Slut Walks.” But you get the sense that the majority of campaigners don’t have children of their own, or they’d speak rather differently.

Pedophilia itself is of course not confined to one side of the political spectrum. But defending it does seem to be. Pro-pedophile activism continues to surface on the Left in a way that it simply doesn’t on the Right. Salon is one of the worst offenders: the left-wing website runs sympathetic features on pedophilia with alarming regularity.

In 2012, the site ran a story entitled “Meet the Pedophiles Who Mean Well“about a group called “Virtuous Pedophiles,” who resolve never to have sex with children. (Sarah Nyberg made reference to this group in her leaked chat logs.) In the aftermath of Ariel Castro’s initial court appearance in 2013, Salon ran an op-ed entitled “Our Approach to Pedophilia Isn’t Working,” which argued that pedophilia ought to be treated as a medical issue rather than a moral one.

Yet, incredibly, Salon is by no means alone. In the aftermath of the Jimmy Savile scandal in the UK, the Guardian published a feature carrying the disturbing claim that there is “not even a full academic consensus on whether consensual paedophilic relations necessarily cause harm.” Even left-wing comedy websites are complaining about society’s “misunderstanding” of pedophiles, and their writers post pictures of their own children to pedophiles in “support” when the self-confessed perverts are outed.

What’s happening here? Why are defences of pedophilia so rampant on the Left? And why are pedophiles so attracted to the progressive movement, as opposed to conservatism, libertarianism, or even anarcho-capitalism?

The most likely answer may be difficult for left-leaning readers to accept. For decades, moral relativism has underpinned radical left-wing thought. This is particularly clear when we look at how abuses in Muslim communities are treated. When the Conservative government in Canada labeled female genital mutilation and forced marriages as “barbaric cultural practices,” they were criticised by leading Canadian leftists.

See also: the breeziness with which feminists ignore abuses against women all across the Muslim world, and the timidity of gay rights campaigners to challenge Muslims on gay rights. Not Islamists, you understand, but mainstream Islamic society, in which simply being gay can get you killed in a dozen countries or more. Oh, and Rotherham, where moral relativism and the fear of being seen as “racist” got 1,200 white girls raped.

In the U.S, where a left-wing administration is in charge, relativism has even seeped into the military. As was recently reported, American soldiers in Afghanistan are now being instructed to ignore the sexual abuse of boys by Afghan allies. Campaigners against religious barbarism like the UK’s National Secular Society have condemned the relativism at the heart of radical left-wing identity politics, but to no avail.

It’s easy to see why pedophile activists would be attracted to a movement that makes excuses for practices like FGM. If the mutilation of little girls can be defended on the grounds of cultural relativism — “that’s just how they are” — what can’t be defended?

Anarcho-capitalists and libertarians may wish to dismantle many social and legal checks on personal behaviour, but they draw a hard line around behaviour that harms or violates the rights of others. Relativists have no such rules: by definition, they don’t believe in universal rules at all.

Horrifyingly, there are signs of a new pedophile acceptance movement forming on the Left. Just as Allen West warned, the gay rights movement is being used as a template. First comes the argument that pedophiles are just “born that way,” absolving them of any moral responsibility for their desires. Then comes the argument that pedophiles are just normal people, like the rest of us, but somehow impoverished or victimised by their own condition.

Inevitably, our society’s current ostracisation of pedophiles will be portrayed as an injustice: an oppression from which pedophiles must be liberated, or for which they deserve our sympathy. And woe to the oppressors! Quietly, in progressive columns and academies around the world, progressives are losing their footing and sliding down that slippery slope. Publications like Salon are abetting the turpitude.

“Acceptance” and relativism are essential tools of the partisan Left, which abandons all sense of moral consistency when one of its own is accused. The furious defence of Sarah Nyberg was redolent of the Lena Dunham scandal, in which similarly bizarre and disturbing revelations about Dunham’s relationship with her sister were defended to the hilt by media luvvies.

You know, a bit like how the BBC covered up for Savile for all those years. Just about the only kiddy-diddlers leftists don’t stick up for are Catholic priests, for reasons best known to themselves.

Compare this to conservative molester Josh Duggar, who can only muster support from has-beens like Mike Huckabee. The rest of the conservative movement, from National Review to Breitbart, were unequivocal in their condemnation of the Duggars. But for the hysterical defenders of Nyberg and Dunham, principle — not to mention the safety of children — can’t be allowed to come before politics.

Aggressive public displays of virtue are where the morally deplorable hide. The trend of social justice warriors with closets full of skeletons is common enough to be a meme at this point. It might even be part of the job description. Whether by cleansing progressives of sin through virtue signalling, or simply enabling them to hide in plain sight, slacktivism provides a welcoming environment for scammers and the unsavoury, which is why progressives protect their own: they know it could be any of them next.

The one silver lining is that such people are set to lose the support of the centre. Nyberg’s defenders hoped that the story would be contained in anti-establishment publications like Breitbart. But now it’s spreading to the mainstream, with critics of Breitbart stepping into the fray to admit that the response from the Left has been hypocritical and troubling.

Eyebrows were raised when the media elite collectively decided to make transgenderism “the next civil rights frontier,” because although most people are deeply sympathetic to that condition, the science is very much out on treatment pathways. But this is really, as we say in England, something else.

It is particularly crucial to protect children from pedophiles in the age of the internet, when adults have unprecedented access to minors via internet forums, chat rooms and gaming. Children get phones and tablets earlier and earlier, and nearly all kids play such social games.

Twenty-first century pedophiles aren’t hanging around school gates with candy: they’re lurking online, like Sarah Nyberg. And parents are in some cases decades behind the times when it comes to protecting their little ones.

Radical leftists may be planning to make pedophilia another front in their civil rights battles, but it won’t happen without a fight. Nor should it.
hollywood is filled with pedos and they only vote democrat and will not hire republicans.....wonder why????

Because they are a sick, dividing and dangerous group.
I would never take an actors stance on politics serious.
They are part of the seediest and sickest group in hollyweird
I did better, I breitbart'ed it



Today, Salon gave a platform to a self-confessed pedophile to explain his urges in sympathetic terms. “I’m a Pedophile, But Not A Monster” reads the headline. It’s a long, self-pitying screed that ends with a call to be “understanding and supportive” of adults who crave sexual intimacy with children.
Forgive me if I’m not first to start the standing ovation. In fact I’m pretty sure most people will find the existence on Salon’s website of this post both shocking and distasteful.

The timing of Nickerson’s post, barely a week after multiple high-profile progressives rallied around progressive activist Sarah Nyberg, couldn’t be more suspect. Over the past two weeks, an alarming number of left-leaning commentators have rallied around the self-confessed transsexual pedophile and progressive activist who defended white nationalism.

In other words, progressives who got fired up about whether green and purple was a “rapey” colour scheme were suddenly fine with discussion of incestuous pedophilia from a 22-year-old in a chat room full of teenagers. It has been a somewhat grotesque spectacle to watch.

But these two incidents are merely just the latest in a disturbing trend of pedophilia activism on the Left, which has gone out on a limb time and time again to normalise child abuse. From the 1970s to the present day, organised pedophilia has been a recurring problem for the supposedly progressive movement.

The North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) had early support from Allen Ginsberg. In the UK, the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) sought acceptance on the Left by affiliating itself with the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL), then run by prominent Left-wingers. Leading members of the Labour party, including Patricia Hewitt and Harriet Harman, were tarnished by their association with PIE, but many of them remain in positions of power in the Labour party.

There are plenty of decent left-wingers who are horrified by the attempts of pedophiles to piggyback on their movement, of course. It was former Labour minister Barbara Castle who sought to draw attention to the alleged pedophile rings of the British establishment in the 1980s. And the LGBT movement made an effort to ostracise NAMBLA after it tried to join the big tent of alternative sexualities.
Those few trendy progressives who actually have kids aren’t exactly runaway successes as parents and enthusiastically include them in drug-fuelled desert orgies or force them to swear in political broadcasts or take them to “Slut Walks.” But you get the sense that the majority of campaigners don’t have children of their own, or they’d speak rather differently.

Pedophilia itself is of course not confined to one side of the political spectrum. But defending it does seem to be. Pro-pedophile activism continues to surface on the Left in a way that it simply doesn’t on the Right. Salon is one of the worst offenders: the left-wing website runs sympathetic features on pedophilia with alarming regularity.

In 2012, the site ran a story entitled “Meet the Pedophiles Who Mean Well“about a group called “Virtuous Pedophiles,” who resolve never to have sex with children. (Sarah Nyberg made reference to this group in her leaked chat logs.) In the aftermath of Ariel Castro’s initial court appearance in 2013, Salon ran an op-ed entitled “Our Approach to Pedophilia Isn’t Working,” which argued that pedophilia ought to be treated as a medical issue rather than a moral one.

Yet, incredibly, Salon is by no means alone. In the aftermath of the Jimmy Savile scandal in the UK, the Guardian published a feature carrying the disturbing claim that there is “not even a full academic consensus on whether consensual paedophilic relations necessarily cause harm.” Even left-wing comedy websites are complaining about society’s “misunderstanding” of pedophiles, and their writers post pictures of their own children to pedophiles in “support” when the self-confessed perverts are outed.

What’s happening here? Why are defences of pedophilia so rampant on the Left? And why are pedophiles so attracted to the progressive movement, as opposed to conservatism, libertarianism, or even anarcho-capitalism?

The most likely answer may be difficult for left-leaning readers to accept. For decades, moral relativism has underpinned radical left-wing thought. This is particularly clear when we look at how abuses in Muslim communities are treated. When the Conservative government in Canada labeled female genital mutilation and forced marriages as “barbaric cultural practices,” they were criticised by leading Canadian leftists.

See also: the breeziness with which feminists ignore abuses against women all across the Muslim world, and the timidity of gay rights campaigners to challenge Muslims on gay rights. Not Islamists, you understand, but mainstream Islamic society, in which simply being gay can get you killed in a dozen countries or more. Oh, and Rotherham, where moral relativism and the fear of being seen as “racist” got 1,200 white girls raped.

In the U.S, where a left-wing administration is in charge, relativism has even seeped into the military. As was recently reported, American soldiers in Afghanistan are now being instructed to ignore the sexual abuse of boys by Afghan allies. Campaigners against religious barbarism like the UK’s National Secular Society have condemned the relativism at the heart of radical left-wing identity politics, but to no avail.

It’s easy to see why pedophile activists would be attracted to a movement that makes excuses for practices like FGM. If the mutilation of little girls can be defended on the grounds of cultural relativism — “that’s just how they are” — what can’t be defended?

Anarcho-capitalists and libertarians may wish to dismantle many social and legal checks on personal behaviour, but they draw a hard line around behaviour that harms or violates the rights of others. Relativists have no such rules: by definition, they don’t believe in universal rules at all.

Horrifyingly, there are signs of a new pedophile acceptance movement forming on the Left. Just as Allen West warned, the gay rights movement is being used as a template. First comes the argument that pedophiles are just “born that way,” absolving them of any moral responsibility for their desires. Then comes the argument that pedophiles are just normal people, like the rest of us, but somehow impoverished or victimised by their own condition.

Inevitably, our society’s current ostracisation of pedophiles will be portrayed as an injustice: an oppression from which pedophiles must be liberated, or for which they deserve our sympathy. And woe to the oppressors! Quietly, in progressive columns and academies around the world, progressives are losing their footing and sliding down that slippery slope. Publications like Salon are abetting the turpitude.

“Acceptance” and relativism are essential tools of the partisan Left, which abandons all sense of moral consistency when one of its own is accused. The furious defence of Sarah Nyberg was redolent of the Lena Dunham scandal, in which similarly bizarre and disturbing revelations about Dunham’s relationship with her sister were defended to the hilt by media luvvies.

You know, a bit like how the BBC covered up for Savile for all those years. Just about the only kiddy-diddlers leftists don’t stick up for are Catholic priests, for reasons best known to themselves.

Compare this to conservative molester Josh Duggar, who can only muster support from has-beens like Mike Huckabee. The rest of the conservative movement, from National Review to Breitbart, were unequivocal in their condemnation of the Duggars. But for the hysterical defenders of Nyberg and Dunham, principle — not to mention the safety of children — can’t be allowed to come before politics.

Aggressive public displays of virtue are where the morally deplorable hide. The trend of social justice warriors with closets full of skeletons is common enough to be a meme at this point. It might even be part of the job description. Whether by cleansing progressives of sin through virtue signalling, or simply enabling them to hide in plain sight, slacktivism provides a welcoming environment for scammers and the unsavoury, which is why progressives protect their own: they know it could be any of them next.

The one silver lining is that such people are set to lose the support of the centre. Nyberg’s defenders hoped that the story would be contained in anti-establishment publications like Breitbart. But now it’s spreading to the mainstream, with critics of Breitbart stepping into the fray to admit that the response from the Left has been hypocritical and troubling.

Eyebrows were raised when the media elite collectively decided to make transgenderism “the next civil rights frontier,” because although most people are deeply sympathetic to that condition, the science is very much out on treatment pathways. But this is really, as we say in England, something else.

It is particularly crucial to protect children from pedophiles in the age of the internet, when adults have unprecedented access to minors via internet forums, chat rooms and gaming. Children get phones and tablets earlier and earlier, and nearly all kids play such social games.

Twenty-first century pedophiles aren’t hanging around school gates with candy: they’re lurking online, like Sarah Nyberg. And parents are in some cases decades behind the times when it comes to protecting their little ones.

Radical leftists may be planning to make pedophilia another front in their civil rights battles, but it won’t happen without a fight. Nor should it.
I wouldn't take a shit piece on a fake news site like Brietbart as proof that the dems are trying to normalize pedo.

There are huge lists if Republicans who have been caught with underage boys and girls if you care to google it.
He had a sexual emergency.

Dems consider this a family restaurant, would you let John Podesta da molesta babysit??

Sorry I dont watch videos. If it's pizzagate related then you're more than likely retarded. Either way you love David Duke and are antisemitic so I dont really value your opinion on anything.
Because they are a sick, dividing and dangerous group.
I would never take an actors stance on politics serious.
They are part of the seediest and sickest group in hollyweird
Lol the irony .... look who you are quoting
Unfortunately pedos have no political affiliation....

But how the fuck do you get to number 5?

Seattle, you silly bitch.
This guy is very likely guilty. Fits the profile sadly.

Donnie Jr - never change -

Are we talking charges or accusations? Has he been charged by police? Or publicly accused by alleged victims? Charges he should have resigned at the first one as it means police investigated and prosecutors believe there is enough evidence.
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I think both political parties have pedophile members that need to be flushed out and locked up. I think instead of making it a partisan battle and pointing fingers at the other team, we should work together to find these creeps and get them behind bars.
Pedophilia 100% transcends party lines and to include such an accusation in an attempt to smear somebody in a partisan manner is disgusting. OP is better off keeping his mouth shut than to distract from the real travesty of sick fucks in powerful positions avoiding prison time for one of, if not the most, heinous of crimes.
I wouldn't take a shit piece on a fake news site like Brietbart as proof that the dems are trying to normalize pedo.

There are huge lists if Republicans who have been caught with underage boys and girls if you care to google it.

You understand it quoted the NYT, Salon, wikipedia, and the guardian???? You see those orange words in there....you click it and it is a link.

Truth is that it does not gel with your preconceived notions so you totally disregard it. If you are going to do that than don't even bother saying "cite it". I did and you don't give a shit anyway.

I would also like to point out that article in breitbart was written by Milo.
Now, no one knows pedos better than gays and no one knows gays better than Milo, but Milo also being gay knows the pedos as well. So in facto rectum, my citation from breitbart is totally tight butthole (even the Workaholics agree).

^ backing this up:
Using phallometric test sensitivities to calculate the proportion of true pedophiles among various groups of sex offenders against children, and taking into consideration previously reported mean numbers of victims per offender group, the ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1. This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually.

This guy is very likely guilty. Fits the profile sadly.

Donnie Jr - never change -

Are we talking charges or accusations? Has he been charged by police? Or publicly accused by alleged victims? Charges he should have resigned at the first one as it means police investigated and prosecutors believe there is enough evidence.

Well, he just resigned what do you think???

Also, I should contact Trump Jr about adding that Count thing I did.
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They're everywhere, but the main difference is that there's one political party in particular who is destined to push the normalization of it.
You suck ass. Go make another wizard thread in Mayberry.

Pedophiles are the lowest scum of the earth. No political side is advocating for, or sheltering them. Just stop this nonsense.