Half the drugs people have been caught for are almost useless GHRP? I've taken that. Beta Alanine or creatine are better for performance. Does help you eat a lot. SARMS? I've taken LGD and Ostarine. No real impact. Once again, creatine increased my strength and recovery more. DHEA… Useless. May as well banned BCAA's.
Even steroids are misunderstood. Many steroids are more than useless. Anderson tested positive for three things. One was a sleeping pill. One was an anti anxiety med. The final one was Masteron…. A steroid. Viagra story aside, and pretending just for a second that he was 100% taking Masteron… This is also a hardly a miracle drug. It's a cutting agent. Will help strip the last bits of fat to make weight…
So far, USADA aren't really catching many, if any guys with real solid performance enhancers [Of course guys are using them]. They are catching guys with banned substances…
The fans see the words tested positive, and PED's and they automatically think the things these guys are testing positive for are some crazy super drug that turns you into a beast. It's the furthest thing from the truth. Half of this stuff is either FDA approved medication, mild performance boosters no worse than creatine or beta alanine, or 'signs' of steroid use ala the estrogen blockers Jon took…
In fact, the Jon Jones case is kind of embarrassing for USADA, because it's basically saying, hey, we know your were taking steroids… We were too retarded to actually catch you, so we're going to flag you on a technicality because we're sore losers.