How highly is David Haye rated around the world??


White Belt
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Just wondering how highly you guys rank David Haye??

He's definatly the best cruiser in the world and the best uk based heavyweight.

Wtih his punching power, speed and training ethic will he be the real deal at heavy???
Just wondering how highly you guys rank David Haye??

He's definatly the best cruiser in the world and the best uk based heavyweight.

Wtih his punching power, speed and training ethic will he be the real deal at heavy???

i like david haye but he is not clearly the best cruiser in the world..........yet
he needs to fight Steve Cunningham and maybe O'neil bell to be clearly the top dog at cruiser.

I dont think he does that good at Heavy....he is very quick and powerful..but he does not have a good chin......

i would have to see him in there with a game heavyweight to see how he does.
cause the guy he fought at heavy before was a bum.
I think he's the best UK Heavyweight hope since Lennox left the stage, by far.

I think becoming the number one Cruiser will turn out to be just a stepping stone for him, and at 6'3" 216 he'll be fine among the Heavyweights.
Danny Williams would ruin his parade.
any word on his next opponent? is he gonna stay at cruiser or move up to heavy?
He is the second coming of Herbie Hide.

The first massive bruiser he meets will wake him up IMO.

P.S the word bruiser is intentional, Im thinking Sam Peter or any other 240+ HW.
David Haye reminds me of Alexander Povetkin. A bit of similiar lighter built and a lot of power and skill. I would rank Haye at about 10.
In the UK his fame pretty much doubled after the Enzo knockout.

I've always thought he'd become the Heavyweight champion, so we'll see. A lot of tests for him to pass before he can achieve that though.
i like david haye but he is not clearly the best cruiser in the world..........yet
he needs to fight Steve Cunningham and maybe O'neil bell to be clearly the top dog at cruiser.

Haye IS easily the best CW in the world and I don't see how it can be argued otherwise. He beat the divions #1 in Mormeck, capturing 2 of the 4 major world titles in the process. Then unified another one against Maccarinelli.

He is clearly the #1 CW.
I Have Him As The #1 Cruiserweight And I Think He Will Do Great In The Heavyweight Division And I Hope He Gets A Belt At Hw..
I agree that Haye is number 1 at Cruiser, but still feel than Cunningham and Bell would give him some trouble. At Heavy, he'd be fun to watch but I think he'd kinda follow a pattern like Michael Moorer, devastating power at the lighter weight, shaky chin and would impressively blow away cans and B level guys, but put him in against a strong, sturdy guy with durability and a big punch, he's in trouble. A good match to see him in to test the waters would be Brewster, and I'd favor Brewster actually.
best cruiser but not sure about heavy position. time will tell if he can carry his power, take a punch etc.
I agree that Haye is number 1 at Cruiser, but still feel than Cunningham and Bell would give him some trouble. At Heavy, he'd be fun to watch but I think he'd kinda follow a pattern like Michael Moorer, devastating power at the lighter weight, shaky chin and would impressively blow away cans and B level guys, but put him in against a strong, sturdy guy with durability and a big punch, he's in trouble. A good match to see him in to test the waters would be Brewster, and I'd favor Brewster actually.

The name I keep hearing is Hasim Rahman. I hope that happens.
I really like Haye.

I think he can progress nicely into the heavyweight division.

Hes got a great foundation of skills; speed, power, athleticism that I think will transition nicely to the higher weight.
I'm with booty. Hasim would be great for a first fight, Haye is #1 CW! with a capitol !.
tbh i think they shud do away with the cruiserweight division... its a shitty division for overblown light heavys and to be honest some of the bigger cruisers wud run rings round some of the pork pie eating heavyweights that disgrace the heavyweight legacy