He was more of just a verbal spew of chirping then he was calculated. But he never seemed to run out of chirps so it usually worked well for him.Pretty good, not exactly cerebral though. A lot of the time it seemed like he had to draw a line in the sand to get himself up for it. But once it was drawn he had an adversary (albeit fictionally created) he was fired up.
Yep. He had no planned spiels up his sleeve. He just went with the flow of the banter.He was more of just a verbal spew of chirping then he was calculated. But he never seemed to run out of chirps so it usually worked well for him.
That was the best post fight presser ever too me.I don't watch many post fight press confrences, because they are boring as hell, but his after he beat Rockhold was glorious. Getting drunk and just living it up while Luke looked like he wanted to go on a murderous rampage.