How familiar is everyone with Derricks opponent tonight?

He's a "grappler", yes... but not a very good one. On the feet he has passable boxing fundamentals but is by no means a particularly good striker and doesn't have much power in his hands for a Heavyweight. He poses a theoretical takedown & submission threat, but only against fairly low-level guys. Tanner Boser was undersized at HW and had awful defensive grappling, but Nascimento struggled to do anything other than sloppily drag him down and lay on him while doing nothing with the position in between occasionally controlling him against the cage. He never even got close to actually threatening with his ground control and everything he did was labored. He barely escaped with a narrow and questionable Split in that fight... the dude's entire resume to get ranked is sus.

Lewis has historically struggled with grapplers, sure, but better ones than Nascimento. The Spivak loss was a bad look, but the fact that he survived underneath Almeida (essentially a faster, stronger, more athletic, and more talented version of Nascimento in many regards) for five rounds straight when no one else had up to that point -- on short notice, no less! -- sort of vindicates him in my eyes. Hell, he even managed to gain separation, dominant positions, and land some shots to threaten Almeida here and there.

Blaydes also failed outright at taking Derrick down, which a lot of people forget.

I would give Nascimento a small chance at pulling something off... probably by catching an RNC or some other sub in a scramble (because I'm not sure his cardio is up to the task of grinding out five rounds with his mediocre wrestling). But after watching tape on both? Give me Lewis by KO/TKO, probably inside the first ten minutes.
I watched at least 3-4 fights of his, but know this only because I just checked the events he fought on. Honestly, I can’t remember any of the fights clearly.
He's about as bad as ranked heavyweights get. He's like Spivac only even less athletic and less of a finishing threat with GnP.

He was one of the guys that Daukaus KOed in his rise up to being a fringe prospect.

His current run is a pair of decisions against former LHWs and they also fed Don'Tale Mayes to him twice for some reason.
He popped a few years ago and has beaten only Ilir Latifi and bums, mainly LHWs
Kinda thought he could be a good prospect, then he got crushed by Daukaus and been a bit lackluster since then.
@Jose Beehive Even named his account after him I think, before he lost to Daukaus.
I expect him to crumble from the first couple of good shots he will take tbh.
I've watched the entirety of every UFC card from about 2019, before then I just watched the big ones. I can honestly say, I know I've seen Nascimento fight but I cannot remember a single thing from any one of his fights, no stand out moments or highlights.

This might be the most unfamiliar I've been with a main eventing guy for a long long while

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