How easy is for you to lose temper? And can you be provoked to the point of no return?


Dec 19, 2015
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I work with guy who is irritated over some very petty crap daily. His face is going red and tells you in the face everything what he thinks about you. But it takes him mere few minutes to regain composure and even apologising to you over reaction even if you actually did something wrong.

With me is different.

By nature I am very calm, and as long as I can get away out of uncomfortable situations, i will never ever trigger an argument with other person. If I feel the need I will turn it into joke onto next occasion to point out someone not being fully right on the matter.

The thing you dont want to do, is to corner me. Dont leaving me any options, doing something that will repeatedly get on my nerves. I can explode and tell people to their face what I think about them. And yes I believe I can be provoked to the point of no return that can result in injury or even something more serious.
And I pray for this moment not to happen ever again as I had few moments like that in my life.

And no I do not provoke people. I may be upsetting people without knowing it (it happens), but I never would do something premeditated. If I play on someone nerves and someone plans to retaliate. Lets have a chat. Maybe I can fix it.

So lesson for you kids, dont piss people off, some people will let it slide, with some you can end up in hospital...or morgue.
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Depends but most of the time I can control myself.


I was extremely short tempered when I was a kid and teenager. I was quick to defend myself when insulted, quick to get into fights when bothered.

I got better control of myself when my grandfather died, when I was 23 yrs old. No direct reason why but I just did. I still get rustled every now and then, but I keep my cool and don't argue back. Now, only people I care about can make me upset. Everyone else actions or inaction doesn't bother me any bit.
My terrible secret is I am always angry...
I am on the road every day and see people with no business acting tough with extreme road rage. I always think some day someone is going to beat the shit out of them, and then they will realize reality. My dad used to say “Thre is always someone tougher than you are” and if you are humbled by that you will be fine. But the younger generation has grown up in a world of no consequences....bully free zones, zero tolerance for fighting. It’s funny to watch, but sad also.
I used to have a really bad temper. I've worked really hard trying to be a calmer person. Disrespect still sets me off though.
I found peace at 25 years old.
I am better than others because I've walked a mile in their shoes and therefore I can judge them.

I used to be a hot head when I was younger, especially when it came to feeling disrespected. I think a lot of that was due to being raised in a rough area. If you allowed someone to disrespect you, they'd do it all of the time, so you had to be like that to survive.

Chilled out by the time I was in my early to mid 20s by meeting nicer people who calmed me down. there's no need to get really angry with strangers unless they threaten your life or that of a loved one. Even then, it might be best to back away.
I'm usually pretty mellow and chill.

However, hurt an animal or child within my vision and look the fuck out.
I have an extremely long fuse but a very large bang if I reach the end of it.
I have an extremely long fuse but a very large bang if I reach the end of it.

This is exactly how I am. It takes a lot to get me going. But once I start going, you are not stopping that train. It is going to run you over.
The only time I was ever really quick tempered was back in college when I was in a pretty toxic relationship. Aside from that, I'm very even tempered. It takes a lot to piss me off.
It used to be easy to set me off. As you get older you can't snap at any moment... Especially not as a man.

I try to avoid situations where people will piss me off.

Traffic (people putting my life in danger, people purposepy slowing down both lanes to feel a sense of control, etc.) is the only thing that makes me flip out for the most part.

Well, that and cheating video games, but that doesn't involve other people.
I'm usually patient and kind. I don't feel the need to be aggressive to prove my manliness or to mark out my space. Unfortunately, I have a few tender points that don't respond well to prodding and can absolutely cause me to suddenly explode in anger.
I can't tolerate people putting hands on me, paticulaly drunk people.

If you mess with my friends and family or bird feeders I'll do my best to kill you.
I'm pretty good at matching intensity. I don't flip my lid over some minute thing or something accidental, and I never take anything out on the wrong person, but if someone is intentionally trying to harm me I have a tipping point.
Personally, it takes a lot.

I think the last time I really really got angry is when Century link (our local cable/internet service) fucked me over regarding an installation.

They gave me the day, and window of time. ...(9am to 12pm)

I took the day off, and after the window of time elapsed, I called them, and they continued to tell me that "oh, your work order is next. our service truck is on its way."

around 6pm I called again, and they proceeded to tell me, "oh, there are no service trucks anymore. we don't do hook ups after 6."

after being transferred multiple times, they said, "oh, actually your cable installation is scheduled for tomorrow. not today. you made a mistake."

I replied, "no, I wrote it down, the time and date. I took this specific day off..."

they say, "no sir, it's on our computer."


they call me back...and I was right.

they came the first thing the following then I had calmed down. But jesus.
Nope... I'm good at a controlling myself. It's called being mature.

However, there's one asshole who can push my rage button... my asshole little brother. And he knows it.

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