how dumb are guys to be still juicing now?

Most still are. It's pretty easy to do tbh. Just a hard fact of sports life
If you aren't you aren't going to win anything. You'd be stupid not to.
It's funny how a lot of these forum dwellers argue the benefits aren't that great and it can't teach skill or technique.. and yet fighters are still risking so much doing it and many getting busted and having their entire careers put in the asterisk column.

I mean my god... Anderson Silva was a god before he got busted. Now the shadow of PEDs completely fucked over how most talk or think about him. He could have just looked like a guy on the shame in that.. but nah. His legacy was trashed like so many others.
Most still are. It's pretty easy to do tbh. Just a hard fact of sports life


Guys NOT on some form of PED or another are far & away the exception, and not the rule.

Anyone thinking otherwise is living in naivete.

It just boils down now to who has the best timing / masking protocol on place.
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If you aren't you aren't going to win anything. You'd be stupid not to.
its this mindset which keeps a lot of people juicing, Bisping winning the title should show that you dont need PED's...... you just need 10 years in the UFC, a couple of KO losses and your eye to get fucked up

wait, yeah fuck it..... just do the PED's lol
People in the Olympics still get busted for shit. While so much money and fame is involved there will always be people willing to risk it to get to the top.
As long as you're at the top and generating, you can juice all you want. Nobody of consequence has failed to date.
If you are taking the newest most secretest most non-bannedest stuff then you aren't technically juicing. So some guys just aren't keeping up with the newest banned substances or just buying whatever. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Machida's failed test was for something that had only been banned for a few months.
why did you make two threads with 3 word OP's? are you under some kind of deadline? Blink twice for hostage.
the mind boggles.
The guys who are juicing are dumb but there is also a learning curve going on here. Many substances that were not tested for or banned by state commissions are banned by USADA. So a lot of guys are accidentally self reporting and are accidentally "cheating". Give it some times an then it will only be the true dumbasses that are popping hot.
Alot of fighters get popped after a loss or two.I think they just dont wanna lose the fame/money and possibly get cut so they use to get back on top thinking they can get away with it.Some of the guys getting caught after a loss or two i dont think have always used but im sure some have.
"Everybody is on steroids. The whole UFC. Everybody."-Nathan
how dumb are guys to be still juicing now?

This is an excellent point.

I mean unless the UFC allows a fighter a free pass to juice by getting some sort of USADA exemption (lol, as if that would ever happen) I can't figure out why these guys are still doing it. I've heard that when people juice long term there's a huge psychological component involved. As in they're just incapable of feeling "complete" and confident enough to compete without it. Maybe that has something to do with it? Who knows?
I'm an orange belt!

First and foremost I'd like to thank all those who supported me throughout the years. Shout out to my wife! my team, without them none of this would be possible.