How did Zhang Weili get into the Country? srs qstn

Glad she made it!!

War Joanna
If you watched embedded you wouldn't be asking foolish questions!
You know, 99.999% of Chinese people do not have COVID-19.
Cuz Dana is tight with Trump (abuse of power, impeachable offence. Shhhh!)
I wish this card was not in the US. Think about all the Chinese fans trying to get over here to see this card live.
they can't come, its not that the us is banning them, people in china can't even leave their own neighbourhoods other than to shop for food right now. The big risk for the US is actually secondary infections coming from other countries, not directly from China.
She gets in through The Chinese Connection

So a Saudi visa is good for the U.S.? Just curious.
a visa is something you get for the destination country, so i believe you mean can you apply for a us visa from saudi arabia and be let into the US. to which the answer is yes. also she isn't coming from saudi arabia, but from Abu Dhabi I believe, which is in the UAE which is a totally different country. And the answer for that case is that yes, you can also apply for an american visa from an emirate of the UAE when you hold a Chinese passport or an emirate passport.
Didn't we ban all travel from China in January? How long has she been here? Is it smart for her to fight this weekend?
My friend who has been working in China for 8 months is coming back home tomorrow. He got laid off because the entire public school system has been quarantined. So idk about the ban.
She flew to Poland, then joined Joanna economy because UFC doesnt pay them anything
they can't come, its not that the us is banning them, people in china can't even leave their own neighbourhoods other than to shop for food right now. The big risk for the US is actually secondary infections coming from other countries, not directly from China.
They will find a way. You watch and see, infections will go up a few weeks after this event. Wouldn't be suprised if Dana used his friendship with trump to get this chinese chick in the US. I hope Dana gets this fucking virus.
a visa is something you get for the destination country

Yes, but sometimes it works beyond there. For instance, a Ukranian in the U.S. on a student visa can just go places where his Ukranian passport alone wouldn't admit him. A foreigner residing in Hong Kong can get into China without applying for a China visa.
Thanks, your answer was informative.
Cuz Dana is tight with Trump (abuse of power, impeachable offence. Shhhh!)

She’s a FOB. Fresh Off the Boat.
She'z about to get teh Joanna virus.


  • Black eyes
  • bruised legs
  • broken nose
  • bloody face
  • Loss of cardio
  • frustration
  • desperation
  • wishing there wasn't one more round left
  • :D