I had Kovalev winning the first fight by a point from the knockdown, I can see the 7 rounds they found for Ward but thats with really really reaching on each swing round.. In boxing you need to TAKE the belt from the champion, with Kovalev being the lineal, there is no way it is ok that Ward got that win.
The second fight was a bullshit finish to me, he legitimately hurt and wobbled Kovalev, but getting hit in the balls causes serous damage that you don't recover from in minutes let alone seconds, and he was landing low. I can't believe Kovalev didn't actually go down to be honest, Andre Ward through everything he possibly could into 3 lowblows in a row. The referee not giving Kovalev a break after the first lowblow was suspect also. Punches barely on the belt line are ok, but if they are on the opposite end of the belt line, that is a low blow and that is what Ward was landing from what I saw. It did look like Ward was bout to cruise to a stoppage or UD eventually anyway though, just that specific stoppage was beyond lame to me.
No matter what, Andre Ward lost in my eyes in the first fight. Kovalev style doesn't do well in rematches compared to Ward's, when Ward didn't know Kovalev he lost the fight.