That felt good typing a quick story on what happened to my best friend so this is best friend #2. Met him in high school from mutual friends and hit it off. He became part of our beach crew. He was the coolest guy ever. Always had something nice to say about others, easy going, always positive and can be hilarious at times. He was 2 years younger then me, but even after graduating high school we still hung out often. This included friend #1 that I just talked about that is now homeless. I think he was part of the reason why I started being interested in MMA. I remember watching a lot of UFC PPV at his home. I remember watching Penn vs Serra, Penn vs Hughes, possibly even Penn vs Uno 1 with him and his family. His brother trained at Relson Gracie gym since he was a kid and then another MMA gym later. He is actually a pro fighter, but never made it to the big leagues; he almost fought in Bellator, but got injured or something. Parents loved me and would even let me take out their truck to drive. Again I was always the positive influence, going to college, no drugs, drinking safely, being responsible. We had some crazy times at the beach, partying, etc. He was the perfect wingman to hit on chicks with because he had no fear, great personality and a good looking guy. He was always down to bang too if need be. I remember almost getting into a fight with a bunch of Waianae boys (Where Max Holloway is from). We had a bunch of scrappers with us too. My friend was ready to let go and so were they. Some random drunk dude tried to get inbetween us and started pushing us away. My friend and 2 guys from their crew eventually started beating that drunk dude down. We then shook hands real quick and said we cool and ran off. It was so random.
I beleive it was back in 2001 or so he decided to join the Army. He was stationed elsewhere, but would come home frequently. I believe he was deployed 1 or 2 times as a Army tanker. We kept in touch really well. I beleive in 2003 he came back home so we through a massive hotel party in Waikiki. One thing we noticed that a lot of things he was saying made no sense. Just disorganized epxressions. We thought maybe he was just gone for so long and just got back, and probably just drunk. However it kept happening everytime we hung out. I talked with his parents and they told me he was diagnosed with Disorganized Schizophrenia. I was like damn that sucks. He got honerable discharge from the Army with 100% service connected disability. Like my other friend he had some heavy alcohol and drug usage throughout his life. I should note both parents my two close friends did drugs. I use to smoke weed with my other friend's parents, lol. His parents smoked ice though from time to time, but never in front of us. At this point I was again heading out to my internship leaving Hawaii to Cali. Next year I visited in 2004 he gained over 50 pounds from all the pyschogenic meds. We all hung out though when I got back and had a great time. I still have a pic of myself and two of my friends, which is the last group picture we took.
Now we continue to fast forwards as years go by I started to lose contact with him slowly. Last time I met up with him (Maybe 2006?) we all planned to go to some clubs that night, but he said he had to stop by Chinatown real quick. He got out of the car and never came back. He went on a drug hunt/binge. He had poor control of his mental health with multiple psych admissions, he even hit his mom and got into a huge scrap with his brother who probably kicked his ass since he was a MMA pro at that point. Eventually he got conserved by the state. Luckily he is 100% service connected veteran and gets all his expenses taken care of. He currently lives in a state mental facility, but is able to leave with permission assuming he is at a stable level. I lost contact with him for a very long time, maybe a decade, but last year I found his mom on FB and was able to get his contact #. So we kept in contact frequently for several months. For some reason his cell is no longer working and not sure what exactly is going on with him, but I plan to talk to his mom again and see if there's a way I can get him to hang out for a day when I visit home in September. Hopefully he is stable enough to do so.