How did millennials become better fighters than Gen X?

This thread seems like a facade to cover up being a giant sissy.
I don't really see how fighters are any better or worse.
Lol. You realise this is a young sport where the people you call Gen X did not start out training MMA?
because it was never about muscles and trying to act tough. It was always about knowledge—and we have more than ever.

(Doesn’t mean we’re not a bunch of idiots)
Why would most family cars of today smoke virtually any muscle car of the past on average?

WTF? Not wanting to live in a dump is somehow gender specific?

These Greenpeace activists risking their lives trying to save whales are feminine?

I think we have identified "toxic masculinity."
People take a lot better care of their bodies than back then firstly.
The reason is that the sport has advanced considerably over the past 20 years.
Dude, you are talking about less than one percent of one percent of the population.

You can't extrapolate anything from that.
all the gen x shit you list is weak male fragility done to show off in the presence of other men. it is latent homosexual behavior if you think about it

the new generation is comfortable and confident being who they are. confidence is key, but you can go watch big muscle men oil each other up if you want
Gem x and boomers were too busy ruining the economy.
you will learn with time that age has an effect, that's on the individual level, on the global level, there is a general trend in sports of athletes as a group getting better with every generation, as they capitalize on the advances and knowledge of the previous générations, science (including medical, biology and doping lol) evolution
Gen X was all about masculine shit: heavy metal, bodybuilding, street fights, being tough as fuck and never being a bitch.

My generation is all about skinny jeans, being in touch with your feminine side, and recycling. But we have completely surpassed all the Gen X fighters.

All the current champions would beat the past champions. And in cases where the champ is a Gen X guy, there's an up and comer who would beat him.

It seems to me that's it all a facade. Gen X just wore masculine bullshit like makeup to cover for their femininity. Millennials are secure enough in our ability to kick ass to be in touch touch with our softer side.

I don't know how to reply to an argument that stupid. I hope you are trolling, TS.
Not every millennial is a skinny jean wearing, thick framed glasses having, prius driving, limp wristed pussy.

Not all, not all, but most.
I'm not sure I'm agreeing with all current champs would always beat past champs. So when Khabib and Jones get older, whoever is champ in 5-10 years would automatically beat them just because? I don't buy this.
It's almost as if...our knowledge of nutrition, our study of kinesiology, our training equipment, the martial arts, and our knowledge of recovery techniques has improved in the last 20 years.

Oh, and the steroids are better too.

Muhammad Ali may be the greatest HW boxer ever, but even in his prime he'd get smoked by Tyson Fury of today.
The average Gen-X male has been in at least one fist fight, whether in his teens or as an adult.

No Millennial has ever rode a bicycle without a helmet.

Don’t talk to me about which generation is more badass... Millennials aren’t the devil, but there’s no debate that they are the most coddled generation known to human existence.

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