How close to death have you been?

Went wade fishing at a rollover dam years ago. The water is knee to waist deep almost all the way across the river, but I stepped into a channel and immediately dropped in over my head. Current was ripping of course, and I had a fishing rod in one hand and tackle pack around my waist. It swept me about 100 yards or so downstream and I managed to keep my head above water until I finally hit a sand bar. Scared the shit out of me.
Was robbed in the ghetto long ago. Had a gun touching my head. Not an illness, obviously, but my life passed before my eyes.
I once fell asleep driving in Australia and I woke up because the car went off the road and hit one of those black and white guideposts on the opposite site of the road.
At around 100 kph would probably have been dead if I hit a light post or another car instead.
The last thing I remember was I thought I am getting tired and would stop in the next town for a break at McDonald's.

Super dangerous that was over 10 years ago, taught me a lesson for life not to take getting tired behind the wheel lightly.
Accidentally swallowed my Listerine back in '09
I was in a bad car wreck once, the police told me they usually pulled corpses from wrecks like that and that I was lucky that I was not wearing a seat belt.

I also had convulsions and breathing issues when I was a baby, but I obviously don't remember that.

If only this got worse =/

Seriously though, dayum, not wearing a seatbelt saved your life?
Was moments from dying at the bottom of a pool.

Hung from a cliff by one hand, someone saved me.
I got some minor surgery a few years back. Was supposed to be in and out and home the same day. In the recovery room I started to sweat like crazy and was very dizzy. Called the nurse over right before I passed out. Came to a few minutes later with everyone. Felt like a scene from ER. They pushed epi and had to do chest compressions. Turns out my heart stopped. They had to seal a bleeder on me so they had to operate again. The woman who drove me in came to see me all worried. I told her I died and came back to life and I didn't get any super powers!! What a bummer!!
If only this got worse =/

Seriously though, dayum, not wearing a seatbelt saved your life?
It did, actually. The entire driver's side of the car was crumpled. I would have been crushed if I hadn't been thrown out of the drivers seat.
Most memorable near death experiences I had came in 2008 when I raced the Vegas to Reno on a motorcycle.

Since it was my first big Desert Race I carried a certain degree of self-preservation in my riding style, and consequently went slower in some places, such as the deep silt beds, like this:


But Vegas To Reno Also has professional Truck and Buggy racers who like to drive like this:

Plow through the Silt like this:

And try to pull passes like this:

I got caught in this one deeply rutted section with lots of silt, I couldn't carry the pace I needed, (I was stuck in a rut!), couldn't see behind, or hear what was coming.

A buggy came past blaring a horn I didn't hear till he was 30 yards past me. So much dust hung in the air I couldn't see my hands on the handlebars, much less front fender or anything else. I slowed a bit more out of caution, then:

I couldn't physically see it but I felt the next trophy Truck come past right beside me like this, and pictured it mentally, as if I was looking down on the whole situation:


They prolly never saw me either. it was a close one. Vivid.

I had already been through several slow motion situations (like people sometimes describe car wrecks) that day and thought I was numbed to all of it, but that pass and a couple more that followed raised the hair on the back of my neck.

What a great fucking day though. So much fun.

After the silt was a section of Dry lake with a twisty road across it, like this:

Went flat out through that and never got passed until I got to the other side and turned back into silt and rocks. So many scenes permanently etched into my memory banks from that day.....
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It did, actually. The entire driver's side of the car was crumpled. I would have been crushed if I hadn't been thrown out of the drivers seat.
Damn man, thats insane.

The thought of knowing id be dead had I done something that is required and essentially muscle memory would eat at me for a long time lol.
I sat through "The Hunger Games". fuckk


yeah when I was 9 I got hit by a car & flew temple first into a curb. I later woke up to people surrounding me in a circle, sorta like a camera angle view of a football team huddling before a play. one person screamed far off "HE'S ALIVEEE!!!". I thought it was fucking weird & all a dream. then I noticed my shoes were gone & knew it was a dream. my hair felt wet so I went to touch it, when I looked at my hand it was fucking drenched in blood. that's when I started to freak out. I have a scar on my right temple left from the accident & my right collar bone was cracked. one of my buddies who was ahead of me told me from the corner of his eyes I looked like a dummy body flying in mid air haha.
Almost bled out during a minor operation to repair bleeding ulcers. The lining of my stomach wall ruptured, and from what I was told, they couldn't stablize my blood pressure or heart rate, and I had to get several blood transfusiosn. To compound the issue, I am a hemopheliac, so the bleeding was very hard to stop (they had to use some special clotting agent called DDAVP that hospitals only stock in very limited quantities).

I don't remember anything about the incident, I remember the nurse counting down before they put me under for the surgery, and waking up in ICU and apologizing to the nurse (for what I don't remember) because I was still heavily sedated.

Beyond that, nothing that I recognize as being immediately life threatening. To @Roca point, there have been probably several times I have unknowingly been close to death simply because I take alot of risks when it comes to drugs (sleeping tablets and fat burners), but nothing where I felt I was in immediate danger.

I do know that I worked myself up to taking 12 Tylenol 3, 1 Remeron, 2 Imovane and 3 Pregabelin tabs to get me to fall asleep when I was travelling. I am reasonably sure that would have killed alot of people, but I had gradually worked my way up to using that much over time. I also took 200mcg of Clenbuterol by accident once, and I'm pretty sure that's a nono as well.
Damn man, thats insane.

The thought of knowing id be dead had I done something that is required and essentially muscle memory would eat at me for a long time lol.
I walked away without a scratch. No injuries at all.
A small piece of a rocket fell on my balcony 10 seconds after I walked in.
I guess it could've killed me if it fell on my head.
I almost fell down a rock face to my possible death whilst climbing down to a fishing spot.

As a I realised I was definitely going to fall in was able to kick out against the rock face enough to clear the rocks below and land in the water.

I was wet for a while but my rod landed safely and I ended up having quite a nice afternoon of fishing.