How close to death have you been?


Rabbi of Platinum Nation
Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
I once almost bled to death. It was pretty freaky, all the lights became exaggerated.
My leg got all cut up, that was the cause.
How about you?
Almost drowned twice. Got my life saved both times. Thank god I'm white
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Almost drowned twice. Got my life saved both times. Thanks god I'm white
That white clown said that we all float down here
I once walked through the valley of the shadow. Shit got crazy.
Nothing comes to mind, but between work and play I'm sure I've been closer than I realize at least a few times.
Meningitus put me in a coma when i was a kid
Collapsed lung from asthma almost got me
Fell from a horse broke my arm
Shots fired in a train car next to me

Thats all i got for now.
Meningitus put me in a coma when i was a kid
Collapsed lung from asthma almost got me
Fell from a horse broke my arm
Shots fired in a train car next to me

Thats all i got for now.
What was the coma like?
Remember anything from it?
What was the coma like?
Remember anything from it?
Nope,was super young. I was told i hadnt talked for awhile when i came out of it and they thought i had some damage from it,but i turned out ok. Guess the recovery was long.
I was in a bad car wreck once, the police told me they usually pulled corpses from wrecks like that and that I was lucky that I was not wearing a seat belt.

I also had convulsions and breathing issues when I was a baby, but I obviously don't remember that.
Felled a huge spruce that had a big hanger high up in it that I couldn't see. When the tree came over it was dislodged and came straight down and landed with one limb on either side of me. One step in either direction and there's a good chance I'd've been donezo.

Rolled a car a bunch of years back and emerged without a scratch. Police said I should've been dead.

Once did a cannonball onto the solar cover of a pool and it basically suctioned to me and I went under. Had to struggle for my life to get my arms free from their position around my knees, before I drowned caught up in the cover. Stupid kid shit.
I overdosed and had alcohol poisoning when I was 16...and I stopped breathing due to pneumonia when i was 5...had to be revived both times
I once went down on a 250 lbs hooker named "Misty" yes, near death experience.