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How can you vote for Hillary?


Orange Belt
Apr 3, 2015
Reaction score
I'm not saying Trump is the better choice either. I would almost say don't vote at all, but I wouldn't go that far. In 2008 I couldn't vote for McCain or Obama so I vote for a random 3rd party candidate.

But back to my original question, "How in the hell can you vote for Hillary"? If you were in the military in the 90s, "How the hell can you vote for Hillary"?
The notion that Hillary Clinton is the reason this country have been involved in wars is beyond stupid. Last time I check she voted for military action, being called for by a sitting president, along with numerous other members of congress. Yet, somehow Clinton, who is labeled a war hawk, will not keep us as safe as Trump.
Why even vote when the parameters of your vote have already been predetermined, with only tokenistic variations in the outcome possible?

A bit like me giving you a "vote" of whether you'd like to be shot in the head, or run over by a truck.

"Representative Democracy" is an oxymoron - don't vote for the oligarchy, it only gives them justification to do what they want.
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I'm not saying Trump is the better choice either. I would almost say don't vote at all, but I wouldn't go that far. In 2008 I couldn't vote for McCain or Obama so I vote for a random 3rd party candidate.

But back to my original question, "How in the hell can you vote for Hillary"? If you were in the military in the 90s, "How the hell can you vote for Hillary"?

When Bill was president, Hillary tried hard to implement universal health care in America. That automatically gives her brownie points with me.

I haven't seen anything truly horrible about her actually proven.

Besmirching rape victim - horrible, but that was literally her job as a defense attorney. Based on their posts here, I suspect that very few people lambasting her for this are interested in a system where the victims have more power accusing their attackers.

Benghazi - cleared by the fucking Republicans, one of whom admitted it was a political ploy against her. Also, the Benghazi commission was longer than the 9/11 commission, which should make people shake their heads.

Saudi money - this was something I was holding against her, but @Madmick provided convincing articles that there is literally no evidence for this. Please provide if you have it.

Clinton Foundation accepting money - shady as fuck from what I've read, but nothing has been proven, which counts for a lot in this insane political atmosphere where people are literally accusing her of orchestrating the shooting deaths of 12 cops to cover up her email scandal.

Email scandal - the last I read on this, the classified material was not classified when she shared it. I have since read that some of it was classfied, but I don't know if this is true because, you know, crazy assholes telling lies. It looks like she used an email server she wasn't supposed to and deleted emails / lied when people looked into it, but this is not a situation unique to her. Many politicians are using insecure emails and it seems to me to be a larger problem that needs to be addressed rather than trying to make an example out of one person. For instance, Jeb Bush also used his own server for sensitive government info and deleted emails when asked to provide them.

Lying about being shot at by snipers - shitty. All politicians lie. Not happy about this, but it's not a dealbreaker.

Her ties with wall street - not sure what's crazy allegations and what's true. She's probably going to be easier on crooked commercial interests than I would like, but the only two possible candidates I think would come down on them hard are Sanders and Warren, so this is pretty much a non-issue if it's a matter of comparison.

Attacking her husband's rape victims - I don't know if any of this is true. The little I've read about this suggests it's coming from GOP crazy town, the same people who think the moment liberals take away their guns is the moment that everyone is going into camps.

If anyone feels like providing articles to the contrary, please do, but keep the crazy to a minimum.
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She's survived heavy sniper fire. What has Trump ever done that's even remotely as cool as that?
2 investigations already bengazi and emails.
On video saying we came, he saw, he died, and laughs. Right there she indicates she was part responsible for the illegal lynching of gadaffi by supporting anti government groups.

A disgusting and greedy amount of money taken for small speeches.

Wants to increase refugees

And since her husband was president , she has just received handouts and donations since. Never worked for money. Just took.

Anyone with any reasonable judge of character sees right through her and her sketchy ways
Election: Would you like the clap or syphilis?
Voters: ...
Media: Certain types of STDs are very racist.
Information: Getting the clap would be preferable as many strands of syphilis are antibiotic-resistant.
Laziness: Stay at home and win a random STD.
Well, she might have completely bypassed security procedures because she didn't want her Clinton Foundation emails open to the Freedom of Request Act, and she uses the Clinton Foundation as a means of legal bribery from foreign interests like Saudi Arabia (where they kill women for being accused of witchcraft) and Qatar (who still has death for leaving Islam on its books)... but that big orange meanie in the other party said some things that hurt my feel feels!
This is the ultimate douche and a turd election. Can't remember the last time I wanted both candidates to lose.
Voting for Clinton is purely a prophylactic exercise. We all know she's horrible, corrupt, and hollow. However, she's competent and predictable.

Trump, on the other hand, is literally a moron who has zero substantive policy and has based his entire platform on senseless lying and rambling. This is the guy who Politifact rated as having told the truth only ~15% of the time and having outright lied more than the rest of the field combined. Furthermore, the guy has the self-awareness of a 5 year old. It's genuinely scary that he might have a temper tantrum and drop an atomic bomb on England for their Prime Minister having used unfortunate terminology when offering Trump a cigarette. The guy is a crazy person, and he's not even a crazy person who is substantive, who knows what the hell he's being crazy about. At least other quacks like Ron Paul have a note of expertise.
Why wouldn't we vote for Hillary? Some of us don't buy into partisan witch hunts that have uncovered nothing. And some of us question the idea that she is untrustworthy because in reality she is more trustworthy than most politicians (the notion is basically a smear campaign against her).

She is intelligent, thoughtful and has lots of experience. I don't think she will be nearly as good as Obama but she will do just fine. The worst you can say is she's unlikable and I would agree, but would also point out that policy matters. And none of this mentions our other option, which is the worst candidate of my life time and maybe history.
this is the ultimate "anyone but that person" election -- the RNC convention speeches were less about why trump and more about why not hillary.

I will say, based on this board -- more people voting for Hillary is about just not wanting Trump with only a few people actually drinking the clinton koolaid.

On the right, you see more people supporting trump policy while absolutely hating hillary. I know Hillary is winning vote totals and polls, i just find it odd that there seems to be less people vocally supporting her in public and social media spheres - lots of trump hate, lots of least worst scenarios but not a lot of genuine Hillary supporters