House committee passes bill to require women to register for draft

It's about time women have to register for Selective Service.
I'm glad they've took the time to address this pressing issue that's on the minds of every American.
There's a reason men have historically waged war almost without exception and women have not.
Yeah. It's called the Patriarchy.

let's hope it grows it's balls back.

Its interesting because the only reason patriarchy has been the rule rather than the exception throughout most all civilizations and even the rule among higher apes are because females make that choice.

If females wanted subdued non-aggressive oriented males they would've mated with them.
I'm glad they've took the time to address this pressing issue that's on the minds of every American.

yeah, I mean fuck multi tasking. you do one thing and then the next and the next. You walk and then if you have to fucking talk ffs you stop walking and talk or you might fall.

and I get to post an on topic dead kennedys song, yea

The military is not a camp for teaching people to get along.

um, what do you think keeps peace? superior firepower
I also noticed garbage collectors are entirely men and so are the homeless, so I'm assuming feminists will be fighting for equal representation there next. That's how you stick it to the patriarchy.
I also noticed garbage collectors are entirely men and so are the homeless, so I'm assuming feminists will be fighting for equal representation there next. That's how you stick it to the patriarchy.

Most studies show that single homeless adults are more likely to be male than female. In 2007, a survey by the U.S. Conference of Mayors found that of the population surveyed 35% of the homeless people who are members of households with children are male while 65% of these people are females. However, 67.5% of the single homeless population is male, and it is this single population that makes up 76% of the homeless populations surveyed (U.S. Conference of Mayors, 2007). Over at No, Seriously, What About Teh Menz? they made some interesting points about the gender of homelessness: First, it is necessary to consider aspects of the male gender role that might make men more likely to be homeless: for instance, men’s greater likelihood of being veterans, or the tendency of men to not seek treatment for their mental illnesses and substance abuse. Looking at it without the gender lens risks missing important aspects of gender. Second, it is necessary not to erase the existence of women who are homeless. Even though men are more likely to be homeless, homelessness is a lot more gender equal than a lot of people present it. The primary causes of homelessness– poverty, lack of affordable housing, unemployment– affect everyone, regardless of gender. A large percentage of the increase in homeless families is probably caused by the recession: unemployment and lack of affordable housing were the two most commonly cited causes of the increase in homeless families. Third, it is important to note that there may be reasons why women are more likely to be housed than men that still don’t mean the women are in a particularly good situation. For instance, women are more likely to participate in survival sex in exchange for housing. “Survival sex or homelessness,” however, is one of those dilemmas that really leaves no one in a particularly good situation. - See more at:

I had never heard the term "survival sex" before. That pretty much sums up why women aren't homeless as much as men, but the numbers are pretty damn close.
Most studies show that single homeless adults are more likely to be male than female. In 2007, a survey by the U.S. Conference of Mayors found that of the population surveyed 35% of the homeless people who are members of households with children are male while 65% of these people are females. However, 67.5% of the single homeless population is male, and it is this single population that makes up 76% of the homeless populations surveyed (U.S. Conference of Mayors, 2007). Over at No, Seriously, What About Teh Menz? they made some interesting points about the gender of homelessness: First, it is necessary to consider aspects of the male gender role that might make men more likely to be homeless: for instance, men’s greater likelihood of being veterans, or the tendency of men to not seek treatment for their mental illnesses and substance abuse. Looking at it without the gender lens risks missing important aspects of gender. Second, it is necessary not to erase the existence of women who are homeless. Even though men are more likely to be homeless, homelessness is a lot more gender equal than a lot of people present it. The primary causes of homelessness– poverty, lack of affordable housing, unemployment– affect everyone, regardless of gender. A large percentage of the increase in homeless families is probably caused by the recession: unemployment and lack of affordable housing were the two most commonly cited causes of the increase in homeless families. Third, it is important to note that there may be reasons why women are more likely to be housed than men that still don’t mean the women are in a particularly good situation. For instance, women are more likely to participate in survival sex in exchange for housing. “Survival sex or homelessness,” however, is one of those dilemmas that really leaves no one in a particularly good situation. - See more at:

I had never heard the term "survival sex" before. That pretty much sums up why women aren't homeless as much as men, but the numbers are pretty damn close.
The numbers are closer than they should be. However, I think we're missing the most important part of this article. There is a decent number of women who have sex with hobos, and even more whose standards don't go beyond simply having a place to live. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to head downtown and try to score some survival sex.