Holly Holm is the most predictable fighter in the UFC


Blue Belt
Jan 8, 2013
Reaction score
As skilled as Holm is, she always executes the EXACT same strategy, and fighter's have figured her out.

She waits for fighters to come to her then she executes either a 3 punch head jab/hook combo, a 2 punch combo followed by a high kick or a 2 punch combo followed by a push. Occasionally clinches against the fence or throws a random high kick.

This strategy works for overly aggressive fighters (Rousey, Coreia) and low level female MMA fighters, but anyone with a modicum of stand-up experience can easily handle her counter-techniques because they know EXACTLY what she will do and how she will respond.
It's made her recent fights EXTREMELY frustrating to watch. I find myself yelling at the scream, hoping she will execute a takedown, low kick, use an uppercut or more varied body punches, attempt a submission, ANYTHING ELSE!!!!
I was hoping she'd change her approach for this fight, but Nope, same shit, different day
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I was shocked at how limited red she was last night. Throw a damn jab!
Considering that she's 36 and a female there's probably no hope for any new tricks at this point
As far as I'm concerned, she went the distance with the best/most evolved version of Cyborg we've ever seen. I'd say she's doing just fine. She simply lost to a better fighter and that's ok.
YES! She throws that same combo over & over. Her opponents have to do something really stupid like running right into her strikes like Rousey or taunt her for her to not get into this mental rut. She's literally spamming the same move repeatedly with no success. She gets in a mental funk and doesn't seem to know what else to do, she really needs to break out of that habit. I'm not a huge fan, mostly because of this annoyance, but if she can stop throwing that same combo all the time, she might start
Bro what are you talking about?

She’ll throw the ish ish ish and next thing you know she’s throwing the ish ish kiya.

Unsolvable puzzle, really.
As soon as you hear her grunt, move out of the way. It's like when Tyson blinks in Punch Out!
Honestly despite the spamming she did better than i expected. I was expecting Cyborg to ragdoll her around...didn't happen. She held her own in the clinch and it's obvious that she had a lot of strength training in preparation for the fight.
She's also gracious and well spoken.
Yep, and Dana was ready to crown her the greatest female fighter ever if she won.
Jackson is a master strategist.
As far as I'm concerned, she went the distance with the best/most evolved version of Cyborg we've ever seen. I'd say she's doing just fine. She simply lost to a better fighter and that's ok.
I definitely think she wouldn't be 1-4 in her last 5 fights if she'd just stop spamming the 1-2 head kick combo so much. She mentally just falls apart with her striking strategy. She has the tools to beat a lot of the people she's lost too, she just needs to stop repeating that combo over and over making her extremely predictable.
As far as I'm concerned, she went the distance with the best/most evolved version of Cyborg we've ever seen. I'd say she's doing just fine. She simply lost to a better fighter and that's ok.

nah...she did well, but definitely could have done better with some adjustments.

TS is exactly right...Holly relies on the same techniques over and over again, even as they fail to work. She repeatedly comes in with the same lead, and fail to make changes when her opponents figure that out. IIRC, Valentina continually landed with a stiff counter and Cyborg was doing the same thing with power. Holly's failure to adapt is what cost her that fight, IMHO.
she should become unpredictable .... Just like the weather
She needz to discover other gyms and coaches just to switch it up she's becoming very robotic in style and movement.