That was a epic fight. Not even close, Paulo was talking to dead relatives with the help of Pfizer.
Just woke up to hear this news. This fucking sucks. I was looking forward to this fight more then anything. I had a hidden fear Max would pull out, given he couldn't make weight at LW, to fight Habib. Max showed no signs of "concussion" during the recent embedded either something happened VERY recently to cause it, which would be sooooo fucking stupid, and his fault (think Ken Shamrock vs Kimbo), or he knows he isn't going to make weight, and can't deal with the stain of missing weight twice in a row. Signs of concussion? Easy; talk slow, slur a lot (or more then usual), stumble while walking...shit is easy to get others concerned about. I'm NOT saying Max couldn't be suffering from concussions, but not anymore then anyone else on this card.