Holloway pulled *Without* doctors opinion

You don't need a doctor if someone looks like they are on death's door.
You don't need a doctor if someone looks like they are on death's door.
Max looks thin and drawn out when he is healthy. He's always gonna look like death when he's weight cutting.

Most people look like shit when cutting anyways, especially the smaller weights.

I'm not complaining though, Full Camp Al is a better replacements over 1 week, just coming off of injury Max.

But the NYSAC is terrible.
The NY commission sucks? You don't say?

Lol are you really defending NYAC. They have shown themselves to be completely clowns in every UFC event

Countering an argument doesn’t mean defending those who share that counter opinion.
NYAC don’t play.

There’s a reason it took them forever to finally sanction MMA.