Hkd tournament update (brief vale tudo matches description included)

Brazilian HKD

Brown Belt
Dec 26, 2001
Reaction score
well guys i fought again in a hkd tournament
the categories were

- grappling- i lost, i am really bad with a gi, an commited a n00b mistake....(without a gi i subbed a bjj brown belt champion a few months ago, but with a gi...i really hate gi chokes and grips :mad: ) so my oppponent armbarred me, i rolled but the armbar was locked and the referee stoped the fight
i didnt tapped, nor feel any pain, but i believe the referee did the right thing

-hkd rules- it's a pancrase style match (open hand strikes, limited groundwork, but still slams and small joint manipulations are allowed)
well i coached 2 kids from 17 to 18 years, they lost a lot of confidence after seeing me losing the grappling match so i said "don't worry, pure grappling is very different when striking is included"

a)one of them won using the combos i teached him (and a nice side kick to the head of his much taller opponent) and he won by points in the end of round 2

b)the other one had a serious problem, he took a punch to the jaw (closed first strikes to the head are forbidden), then he ate a light head kick, but he lot his balance, once in the ground his opponent began to kick his kidneys with axe kicks(forbidden too) when the kid was unconcious

then the referee stoped the fight, and almost a small riot began and the judges decision was to continue the match without any penalty to the kid's opponent (BS, it was because the judge was his teacher)
the referee disagreed but obeyed to restart the match

i looked the kid and he said he had to quit, and seeing him i agreed, his eyes were like he was still dizzy, so i decided to not push him too much and not put him in unnecessary danger

the thing is that he is only 17 yrs old with 5 years of training and he fought a 22 yrs old guy with 10 yrs of training, and still he fought like a lion until the illegal blows...

c) then began my match.... against the same guy who, last year, slammed the hell out of me and choked me even when i was unconscious, he is a nice guy , but sometimes he does some weird things
i was decided to win this rematch so i decided to make him pay for last year's loss
since last year i kicked the hell out of my adversaries (including a broken arm to someone who tried to block my spinning heel kick) he knew that i wanted to kick him
well the match started, we studied each one... his stance was good, and hard to see an opening..then i faked a jab, to go to the low kick BAM, i could feel my shin across his leg

then again jab, low kick, a clean hit again...he began to understand that he could not beat me in stand up
then it happened...

the guy, being shorter than me did the lowest double leg that i ever saw in my life (because being illegal knee him to the face, he actually did the takedown with his head in front of my knees), with his unnatural power he lifted me to pike me! He really wanted to end it all if possible, doing major injuries in my head and neck, think of the randleslam on fedor, but he got my legs instead of my back and then i had only miliseconds to try to avoid major damage

i did it...

but i began to see stars...
"(including a broken arm to someone who tried to block my spinning heel kick)"

how in the world do you break someones arm with a spinning heel kick? with a spinning heel kick all you hit with is either the heel or the calf I dont see how that can result in a broken arm.
i was seeing stars, and actually i was koed for a few seconds, but surprisingly right after the slam i was reversing his position to get the side mount, but i couldn't, so i got the guard...
a few time later the referee did restart the match from stand up and then his punishment restarted, i did the old good jab-low kick combo, then i did a huge high kick that scared him, but for his luck he blocked it... he must be feeling the pain in his arm until now...

then after some fakes and combos i threw a jab...and he slammed me again

but i reversed the position again, even seeing only stars...

he got stand up and then my gameplan began to confuse him..

i threw so many fake jabs that i decided to suddenly shorten the distance..he was actually scared of my kicks so he tried to check it... but for his surprise... i threw a hard jab to his solar plexus that sent him a few steps backwards instead of doing the jab-low kick combo (i was never a fan of the jab to the body until i koed a friend in sparring, and some drills of king kabuki really helped me to improve it), his face showed that he was in pain, then i advanced again seeing his reaction to avoid a counter, he tried to counter my jab by doing a very fast high kick, which i blocked, then he took another low kick... he tried a low kick in me... and he got it, his kicks were faster..mine harder... so i just smiled because the pain wasn't that bad... i got him in the clinch a he eat something like 10 right knees with him trying to block with only one arm..., of course he couldn't stop them

and in the end of the clinch i did a hard left knee...

a lot of low kicks, a jab to the plexus and a lot of knees... the guy had no chance...only if he could submit me or slam the hell out of me

so he tried his killer piking, takedown to injury me again...
i fell but countered it again
i was in side mount

then i did something he never expected

i tried a toe hold in his foot, which became a inversed heel hook

he, being a bjj/greco guy , he never expected that a hkd guy would use a leg lock (which we have), but the position we fell was weird, i got his 2 legs just like arona vs lister... he tried to roll, but couldn't because of the trapped leg
then i decided to finish it all

he tapped

he was the favorite

he was the one the beat

and no one believed that i won him in such convincing way after doing a stupid mistake in the grappling match to submit a great ground fighter

i was competing in middle and heavywheights, but the guys i fought last year decided to not fight me again....

i was the champion....
vale tudo matches are next
ShorinjiRyu said:
"(including a broken arm to someone who tried to block my spinning heel kick)"

how in the world do you break someones arm with a spinning heel kick? with a spinning heel kick all you hit with is either the heel or the calf I dont see how that can result in a broken arm.

sorry, i meant spinning back kick
-vale tudo
i wasn't fighting in this category, because of lack of medical assistance,hiv tests, and time to train in this one

imagine old vale tudo matches with a gi

the rules were simple, no biting, no eyegouging, no groin shots

well, it was not the most technical display , but it was kind interesting

1o one of the guys began jumping guard to try a leglock, stupid mistake, he was GNPed for life until referee stoppage, because the last vale tudo we had was 10 yrs ago, they didn't got to undrstand that nowadays the game evolved, so jumping guard it's not as good as in vale tudo as in sport bjj

2o both fighter used some weird punches, then the clinch game began and it became interesting, the knees needed some powers and then they began to headbutt each other... just imagine takayam vs frye but with headbutts...kinda weird... it ended in a decision

3o now this one was interesting
it was the guy i won against another guy , good in leglocks

the match began and the opponent tried to jump guard to try a heel hook from there, which he got, but couldn't finish...the first guy then escaped and tried a sakuraba style jump on his opponent, after some ground work the fisrt guy mounted his oponent and then...

he bite his opponent's ear...

yup..the guy looked like tyson vs holyfield, and then his oponnent, fearing major injury or deformation tapped

the rules were biting

but believe or not, the guy who did the bite was crowned the champion by the judge...

guess what

the judge was his master

sad thing... it's really weird how bad a tournament can be with biased judging like that...and no one used elbows....well maybe they did a non written agreedment that they wouldn't....

but overall i liked the experience of winning again a tournament

thanks for all the sherdog guys like dapunisher, EEG, Aaron_mag, doughbelly, gregster and the tkd bandwagon for the support, and king kabuki for the great drills that made a big diference in my fight
"sorry, i meant spinning back kick"

Again I still dont understand how that even works. A spinning backkick connects with the heel, usually to the midsection right? how the hell does that result in a broken arm?
ShorinjiRyu said:
"sorry, i meant spinning back kick"

Again I still dont understand how that even works. A spinning backkick connects with the heel, usually to the midsection right? how the hell does that result in a broken arm?

dunno i just know that i broke his arm with it, which is more important don't you think? :D
ShorinjiRyu said:
"sorry, i meant spinning back kick"

Again I still dont understand how that even works. A spinning backkick connects with the heel, usually to the midsection right? how the hell does that result in a broken arm?

When someone tries to block it with the bony part of their forearm as opposed to the fleshy part if it is a hard kick it will fracture or break the ulna. I have seen it happen once or twice and I myself have never had a broken arm from a back kick block but have had bruises and swelling from blocking with the bony part of the arm.
Brazilian HKD said:
dunno i just know that i broke his arm with it, which is more important don't you think? :D

must have been one bad-ass kick!
Congrats man.

And for all you guys thinking about coming in here and posting "bullshit" or something like that, think again. That's considered trolling. People being good enough to report on their competition status don't deserve to get shit from the jealous fucks out there.

And in my day I've seen quite a bit of broken arms resulting from block attempts on all kinds of kicks. The variance of angles an arm and a moving foot can be at coupled with body movement into or away from force can do strange things to bone upon impact.

Wow. Sounds brutal. Much more brutal than those American Hapkido matches you linked us to. No wonder you brazilians are so damn tough. After those illegal kicks to the kidneys I'd be, "We're out of here and we're never coming back..." I've got this thing about not wanting to be on a dialysis machine when I'm older.

If they're all as crazy as you, maybe I'll have to rethink training with those Hapkido guys from that link you provided. But then again they're not Brazillian, so I should be safe.

As for an arm breaking on a spinning back kick...

I'd imagine that it could also happen if an arm was flush against the body. We've all seen Benny the Jet break ribs with it. Certainly could happen if your arm was at a weird angle and got caught.

I'd imagine that it could also happen if an arm was flush against the body. We've all seen Benny the Jet break ribs with it. Certainly could happen if your arm was at a weird angle and got caught.

A standard down-block against too powerful a kick can = SNAP! lol
Sounds awesome, dude. Thanks for the writeup.

Are most HKD schools in Brazil into these kinds of competitions, and is HKD in general in Brazil coming closer to MMA?
Evil Eye Gouger said:
Sounds awesome, dude. Thanks for the writeup.

Are most HKD schools in Brazil into these kinds of competitions, and is HKD in general in Brazil coming closer to MMA?
only the bum moo style and the school which originated from this style

in the last years we saw a mcdojo invasion... :mad:

the relation of hkd in the ring in brazil it's like that

the mt president of the federation of bahia is a hkd guy (alvaro de aguiar, nice guy, actually living in the usa) in the 80's
in the 90's with the beggining of the ufc we started to enter vale tudo rules with mixed results
some fought bravely and became champions, others lost by weird rules like a 10 seconds count in the middle of a ground and pound.... so when the bjj guy koed, the referee waited him to wake up to restart the fight :eek: (check the circuito de lutas tapes or the brazilian vale tudo and you will find some of the guys of my style who did participate of this last tournament, macaco, pele , wanderlei participated in those tournaments, norberto serrano from hkd was the president of the vale tudo federation in sao paulo)

then vale tudo became forbidden here and in rio de janeiro (actually it was that time that curitiba, home of chute boxe began to grow in vale tudo and mma, because it was one of the places were it was still legal, the same with bahia, home of minotauro)

now with the new mma invasion we are beggining to come back to mma events, but still we have to get the new rules, and the evolution of the sport in the last 10 yrs

not a sucefull vale tudo fighter will fight well in mma (examples like pele, johil,rizzo... guys who where kings in vale tudo, but began to lost after the new rules of ma and it's evolution)

in sao paulo, teacher machuca's team fight in some crazy illegal events, in bahia, teacher xavier it's one of the guy who organize the "clube da luta" mma events and in sao bento do sul josni falcao did some mma events inviting some chute boxe guys to fight and referee (wanderley was the referee once), and they won most of the fights beign josni the winner of the superfight, in rio we are still beggining after the teacher wagner's tragic death by some gang lynch...

once again we are slowly geting used to the new rules and evolution of the game and hope to see hkd again to storm some professional events in brazil, hope that this new vale tudo category in hkd tournaments to bring new talents to the martial art
King Kabuki said:
A standard down-block against too powerful a kick can = SNAP! lol

True, even a simple kick such as a front kick or roundkick if its hard enough and connects flush can break or damage an arm. Thats why there are double-hand and support hand blocks.