Theres more content on a lil wayne mp3 over the public airways than this memo.
The memo is ten pages long, contains numerous references to the record, and the excerpt posted by TS is the most heavily redacted section.
Dude seems a little shook to me.
"You will see a lot of interesting things that sound really bad like a lot of things with this Russia investigation over the course of this past year... but what you're not gonna see is anything that rejects what was in our memo".
Just read the memo and Nunes's claim is a boldfaced lie.
"DOJ provided additional information through multiple independent sources that corroborated Steele's reporting, including {redacted citation directly to FISA applications}"
"Far from 'omitting' material facts about Steele, as the {Nunes Memo} claims, DOJ repeatedly informed the Court about Steele's background, credibility, and potential bias . . . the fact of and reason for his termination as a source . . and the likely political motivations of those who hired Steele."
"The FBI properly noticed the FISC after it terminated Steele as a source for making unauthorized disclosures to the media."
"The {Nunes Memo} asserts that the FBI has "separately authorized payment' to Steele for his research but neglects to mention that payment was cancelled and never pmade . . . Steele never received payment from the FBI for any dossier-related information."
"{Nunes's Memo} falsely claims that the FISA materials 'relied heavily' on a September 23, 2016 Yahoo! News article by Michael ISikoff and that this article 'does not corroborate the Steel e Dossier because it is derived from material leaked by Steele himself.' In fact, DOJ referenced Isikoff's article, alongside another article the Majority fails to mention, not to corroborate Steele's reporting, but instead to inform the Court of Page's public denial of his suspected meetings in Moscow . . . "