Alright, let’s break it down logically. And I’ll explain in detail why my observations led me up around ask you that question
- You asked where you can find wrestling training in Orlando. And given what I know about Florida. Unless you have moved (always possible) those name drops were at clinics or visits. Not day in day out training
- I say that because, a good chunk of the questions you ask would be answered by consistent training with good partners
- Another chunk of your questions are trying to find the “easy” way out of stuff. Because the normal way is frankly difficult to do
- You keep putting things up about how bad you wish you had that coach you are showing. Which can make one assume you don’t trust your training
- You also occasionally ask questions you obviously do not know the answer to yet. Questions that if you were around good wrestlers or coaches consistently would be answered, Not because you are dumb.. (you clearly aren’t stupid) but because you haven’t tried it yet or aren’t around high level people enough
- And you ask questions, when answered, you act like you already know it all.
- From a coaching standpoint, you come across as anover-thinker, and probably get stuck in “paralysis by analysis”
So I’m not dissing, I do not think you are dumb. Maybe have a little Dunning-Kruger going, but that’s not the worst thing.And quite honestly I’m very happy you have been able to overcome your addictions and whatnot. That alone says a lot about as a person in a good way
But all my observations and experience lead me to think you are “consistently” around decent to high level knowledgeable wrestlers but mostly mma and Bjj guys. Now if you have moved, found a place in Orlando with high level wrestlers, want to compare your knowledge and experience vs mine.. I’m all ears