Help me drop 9% bodyfat in as quick as possible!!!


Purple Belt
Jul 19, 2005
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okay im currently 19% Bf, was 14%. i need to get down to 10% as a personal challenge and also a vanity trip! how long should i expect to be doing this safely and healthily (i.e- not cutting) and what are the main things I need to know. My diet is ok, could be better, i'll answer any questions anyone who wants to help has about it.

i'm not very good aty measuring my intake of the various things carbs, fat, protein etc mainly cos i dont know enough about it.
Way too many variables to give you any sort of answer. It totally depends on what you are eating and how you are training.
Skyline21 said:
okay im currently 19% Bf, was 14%. i need to get down to 10% as a personal challenge and also a vanity trip! how long should i expect to be doing this safely and healthily (i.e- not cutting) and what are the main things I need to know. My diet is ok, could be better, i'll answer any questions anyone who wants to help has about it.

i'm not very good aty measuring my intake of the various things carbs, fat, protein etc mainly cos i dont know enough about it.

1) Start paying more attention to overall health and fitness, and forget about percentages and pounds lost per day.

2) Vanity is a useless handicapp. Take care of your body because its your body, not because you want to look good in man panties...

3) If your diet is just "OK", then making it GREAT will help you achieve your goal.
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4) Make exercise a ritual (held daily at my house) and learn to love it.
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