Hello all, first post

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Yellow Belt
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
Been a lurker for some time, but now's the time to get serious. I need some help, and I figured that with the wealth of knowledge around here, I might get some leads. So, here goes:

As of now, I am a bit overweight. I have a regimen set up, and I am slowly getting to where I want to be. I am still shopping schools in the area (Phoenix), so I haven't done any serious training beside my workouts. What I am concerned about is what I should be eating. I know there are those from the low-carb world, and all the rest. I guess maybe I am looking for something more specific, towards what I am shooting for. I am doing a total-body regimen with kettlebells and cardio, and increasing in intensity along the way. I want to place my body in a state that can adapt to what I am about to put it through, I.E. mma training. Anyways, just wondering what you guys around here are eating. Moreso those that are losing weight, than those that are maintaining it I will get there though). I feel I might be just walking around in the dark with my diet as of now, I eat lots of fruit, drink a gang of water everyday (I work outside alot, buidling/property maintenance), and have cut fried foods, heavy calorie foods and such out. Anyways, and tips/directions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
That is a VERY broad question/request. Have you at least read the FAQ to get a basic idea? I'd recommend that first then as something a little more specific.
Hmm, I thought I was being specific, but let me try again (and yeah, I did look at the stickies and faqs). I am overweight, 221 lbs right now. I would like to get to either get down to 200 and bulk up from there, or stay around 220 but turn this fat into muscle. I am doing cardio (jogging, treadmill) 3 times a week for 30-60 mins depending on my schedule. Doing the kettlebell workout every other day, about 1 1/2 hour a pop. My concern is that I am losing something besides weight, and maybe through diet I can accelerate my fat loss/muscle gain. One of those things where I don't want to be "oh man, I wish I had known that earlier" kind of things. As it is now, I eat about 4-5 fruits a day, depending on what we have. I eat yogurt and non-roasted nuts in the morning. Work is screwy, so I sometimes don't eat lunch, because if i do, it has to be on the road, and that means fat. For dinner, lately we have been doing salads with chicken in it, rice dishes (I come from an asian family), lot's of steamed veggies, and protiens. Anyways, hope this helped.
NVM guys, I apologize for wasting your time. I am doing more reading around on the boards here, I will come back when I can formulate a more specific question, if it's not answered in my travels here. Thanks again.
Read the FAQ.

Read other peoples diets. or post your own and we will attempt to help.

But no more of this 'I need to know what diet to eat' stuff.

Its really pissing me off because we all eat differently, we're all from different parts of the world, and we all have access to different foods. Some people eat somethings, other don't.

Stop expecting us to hold your hand.

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