Headgear thread

yeah, I hate that, its the biggest reason I never used it, it made me feel sick, and like I could breath. I had a pair for about a year that had a chin cup instead of a chin strap, and I found that worked a lot better. The chin cup is harder to find though, and I don't know if they make it anymore.
rory_44 said:
yeah, I hate that, its the biggest reason I never used it, it made me feel sick, and like I could breath. I had a pair for about a year that had a chin cup instead of a chin strap, and I found that worked a lot better. The chin cup is harder to find though, and I don't know if they make it anymore.
total agree
it can feel like it chokes you because most people dont like a strap across their neck but it's not going to cut off anything unless you really have it on wrong. tighten it correctly and just get used to it is the best advice i can give.

you can go for a chin cup but i've never found one i've liked.
After I got used to my headgear i don't even notice i'm wearing it. As fight_song says - you may not have it adjusted right.

Get the best ones on the market - i'm not going to try to save a few bucks instead of having 'normal' looking ears for the rest of my life.
i had the asics halo and i threw it out because it cut the shit out of me and would always get tight around my neck. i've been rolling without it for months and i got little cauli patches. any wrestlers want to recommend a good set of headgear? ive heard tk or ck (?) tornado's are good, supposedly the standard among collegiate wrestlers?
Fight_Song said:
brute brand. tried and true.

Yeah, I prefer brute for wrestling. I never liked the ones with the cup on the chin. I always felt it weakened one of most powerful tools. God I love my chin! lol
+1 for a set of plain Brute headgear. After a while you get used to the chinstrap.
When I first started, I wore a Brute in black but it was a cheap one and I hated it. It was hot, it was hard to hear and my ears still got squished. There was a thread about why the one I had was bad, too flat basically.

So I searched the Cliff Keen(?) website and bought a extremely nice looking and comfort fitting one from them. I won't say it was cheap but then again I love the one I got. I was thinking of donating the Brute to my school because of few of my classmates ears are cauli'd pretty badly from their wrestling days.
I've used 2 different models of Brutes and CK tornados and by far I like th CKs the best - they're light, don't cut into me (at least they never have yet) and it's much easier to hear with them on (one of ther bigger problems with headgear)
I have the Cliff Keen Tornado headgear. Its good stuff, stays in place unlike all the others I have tried.
Ever notice that some people try to grab on to the headgear to try to control your head...that shit pisses me off.
Abe Wagner said:
Ever notice that some people try to grab on to the headgear to try to control your head...that shit pisses me off.

Yes, I would never try to compeate with headgear.