Headache Bags? Anyone know why they are called headache bags?


White Belt
Mar 13, 2008
Reaction score
Our store is in a martial arts school, and we have headache bags but no one knows and info about them or how to use them (we know to punch and dodge them) but don't know much else. Anyone have an idea?
What the fuck is a headache bag?

a "headache" bag is usually a double end bag with a squared shape instead of a round shape. I don't know why it is called a headache bag. It probably sounds more forboding and sells a lot more that way. Double end bags come in several shapes and sizes.

It's just a double end bag...
it's a double end bag made to simulate the size of a persons head. They are adjustable so you can get it at a normal person's head height. It is just a fancy name for a double end bag. I have one and it works well. Good for timing and defense.

Century Century Headache Bag - $34.95
It hits you in the head on the bounce back, right?

We even called the smaller double-ends bag a headache bag - headache to hit, headache if you don't dodge.
It hits you in the head on the bounce back, right?

We even called the smaller double-ends bag a headache bag - headache to hit, headache if you don't dodge.

thats a good way of looking at it. I love mine. When it really gets moving it is pretty hard to hit and you always have to look to evade it on the bounce back or it will pop you.