Have you ever declared a fighter to be "For Real"?


Good Times
Jun 13, 2015
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Have you ever made this statement regarding a fighter after a win? It's a weird thing to do.

I'll never forget my friend at the time: Following Fedor when he was hot having had a hard go with Brett Rogers - my friend was like


As time goes on and I reflect upon this the cringe factor always increases.
Only time I’ve declared something “for real” was cold fried chicken.
Zabib And it usually happens when you're pleasantly surprised by someone

I thought he was "for real" and would be the promised one to dethrone Jones. Now I have pinned my hopes on another hero.

Karlos Vemola.

I still stand by this. He is for real, just not in this reality.
Funky Askren just this past Saturday lol.

Recently watching Carla vs Thabib also
Johnny walker is the most so obviously for real guy i seen in years
Phil "CM Punk" Brooks is fo real

I used to think Jon Jones was for real. I still remember him mowing his way through to the title.
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I don't think I've ever said "fo real" describing a fighter.

I think I used it one time in 2012 to describe a curvaceous female's backside, which was indeed fo real.

I have not.

However a few weeks ago I figured out the For Real Lineal Championship, starting with Mr For Real™️ himself, House Alexander.

I never made the thread tho cos the lineal For Real Champion is Jon Jones and it bummed me out.
Johnny walker is like LOL at his own fights.