Have you ever bought a PPW for the purpose of watching MM fight?


Purple Belt
Nov 19, 2014
Reaction score
The rest of the card is bad. You just want to see DJ fight.
I buy whatever Dana tells me to buy ya goof
Haven't bought a single PPV since all UFC events are broadcast on television here.
A Pay Per Wiev?
Yeah, but only because I mistakenly thought he was Shonie Carter.
I don't know what OP is looking for here. Obvious answer is no.
lmao no but I wouldn't purposefully not buy a card because he is on it
I think there are more Americans who voluntarily took a trip to Syria, the Sudan, and North Korea, than there are who voluntarily purchased a Mighty Mouse PPV.
No because they usually put him on free TV.
If not they put other good fight to help him.
186 was just because the bigger fight got scrap.
Me, I love that dude, so maybe.
I buy around 4-5 PPV in a year, the rest I go to the a local sport bar
There's around 104 people who buy it, you'd be lucky if 15 have an account here.
I don't think you'll find too many hardcore MM fans around these parts
DJ fight ?

Never buy for a single fighter i just go to the pub.

Any fight can be crap.
The rest of the card is bad. You just want to see DJ fight.
I don't think anybody does. And the reason he gets the little buys that he does is cause restaurants and places of business that show the fights has to buy the ufc package which includes the 12 or 13 ppv shows per year.
TS just made this thread to hear the crickets.