Have Anyone Seen The Hooded Figure?

raty tat tat

Jun 2, 2013
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It's been awhile since I've seen one the last time I was at work I saw it in the corner of my
going in another direction.

How many of you have an experience like this?
It's normal when you use meth, maybe too much caffeine would do the same thing.
It's been awhile since I've seen one the last time I was at work I saw it in the corner of my
going in another direction.

How many of you have an experience like this?

I don't do drugs so no.
ive seen it but i do alot of caffeine.

no meth.
Hooded figure? Only when I'm in the hood, and there are figures around.
This the urban version of shadow people?
I just saw it yesterday, I quickly turned towards it before it could disappear, as it turned out it was just a black guy.
Always some weirdo wearing a hood indoor, wait what are we talking about?
I used to see the figure in the woods when I was gettin high with my buddies in highschool. I never new what he wanted he would just watch us and disappear
It's been awhile since I've seen one the last time I was at work I saw it in the corner of my
going in another direction.

How many of you have an experience like this?

Saw him.

Touched him with teh Jab.

Haven't seen him since:)
I just saw it yesterday, I quickly turned towards it before it could disappear, as it turned out it was just a black guy.
Were skittles involved?
This the urban version of shadow people?

I'm pretty sure he started seeing shadow people, and didn't know there was a word for it. I've never used meth, but I have heard about the shadow people from meth users. No bueno.
I used to see the figure in the woods when I was gettin high with my buddies in highschool. I never new what he wanted he would just watch us and disappear


It's not the meth itself but staying up for 2/3 days.

Back when I used to hang with my druggie friends, I saw a shadow person before. They were all smoking meth and I was laying down with my eyes closed. I saw this shadow figure zip by, but my eyes were closed. Weird stuff. Just want to clarify that I wasn't smoking meth, but maybe I got a contact high. lol