Have any of you ever used the Deep Web?


Green Belt
Mar 9, 2016
Reaction score

I have never been on but it seems interesting with some stuff that is on there, but I have also heard bad stuff about it, like all the red rooms, child poon, snuff stuff, cannibal stuff. But I have also heard you can look at cool stuff like alien files/space stuff.

So just wondering have you been on there?
I figured it was just some weird virtual purgatory for illuminati :eek::eek::eek::eek:philes.
I get all my recipes from the deep web. Google won't give you the truly great looks, big restaurant has seen fit to that!
Any correlation to deep classical piano?
Whatever you do... whatever you fucking do.. don't look up Mexican sugar dancing

I think a lot of the stories are horse shit. And apparently TOR is so slow it's almost unusable.
Whatever happened to that old deep web thread from five/six years ago? Man that thread had everything.
Isn't it just a big meeting place for perverts and drug dealers? No thanks...
Meh. The only reason I'd have for going on the deep web would be to buy weed, molly, or coke, but I'd rather not buy from someone I don't know
I used to use TOR, never for anything nefarious though. It's out there but even if you're accessing the Deep Web you need to know how to connect to what you want to connect to. So the chances of accidentally finding some weird sicko shit, if you don't want to, are still pretty low.
Unfortunately, I don't live in a state where I have that option.

Build a space bucket, pick a good strain from Nirvana seeds or another reputable company, build another space bucket for clone mother, self supply for rest of natural life...?
Or setup entire living room with metal halide/high pressure sodium bulbs and run a bunch of tables. Supply entire neighborhood for rest of natural life.
I bet you'd need fucking tons of patience to access stuff on the "bottom" because it would be slow as hell i guess, not to mention finding the proxy that works and you don't get a nice little visit.
Deep Web is a good place to buy prescription pills for legit purposes for pennies on the dollar. You used to have to drive to Mexico to buy prescription drugs that you wouldn't be able to afford in the US and now you can get them in the Deep Web for less than 1% of what you normally would pay for prescription drugs here. They got their own review/rating system, too.
Yes, one stop shop for all of my needs....May have paid for some things to be taken care of on there...watch your back TS.