Have Americans forgotten Russia is corrupt as f***?

Andy Capp

2GM/c2 Belt
Aug 20, 2009
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I just wonder, based on War Room support for a relationship between a KGB mastermind and cold blooded killer and a dimwitted big talker with a history of failed businesses (especially casinos-who doesn't make bank from a casino), public gaffes, obvious lies, ineffective personnel management, and ineffective legislative record, if these same people really understand just how corrupt the Russians, and Putin in particular really are?

Have you forgotten they're banned from international athletic competition because the state itself was in on organized doping of their athletes?

Have you forgotten Putin has repeatedly had journalists killed? Well, some of you might be ok with that based on your posts but....

Have you forgotten Putin mostly stays in power by lining the pockets of oligarchs? Remember Trump bringing in bankers, climate change deniers (big oil money), and representatives of Southern White Establishment (e.g. Sessions) as well as supporting the upper class with his intent to eliminate programs that help the poor and unemployed to decrease taxes on the rich.

Why is Trump so scared of Mueller looking at his tax returns?

"Mr Trump's trips have already cost the taxpayer $30m (£22.9m) on private travel to his estates, according an estimate from the liberal think tank, Center for American Progress." Obama, whom Trump repeatedly criticized, spent only about 3 times that in 8 years total. He also took over 3 times as many days "of leisure" as Obama in the same period.

"In his 2004 book Think Like a Billionaire, Mr Trump wrote: “Don’t take vacations. What’s the point? If you’re not enjoying your work, you’re doing the wrong job.”"

"An equally pessimistic picture emerges from the estimates of the average size of bribes which has substantially increased over the last five years. For example, according to the Interior Ministry’s Department for Combating Economic Crimes, the average bribe amounted to 9,000 Rubles in 2008; 23,000 Rubles in 2009; 61,000 rubles in 2010; and 236,000 rubles in 2011. In other words, the average bribe in 2011 was 26 times greater than the average bribe in 2008, many times the inflation rate for the same period.[8] According to Sergei Ivanov, the Kremlin chief of staff, the most corrupt spheres in Russia (in terms of household corruption) are healthcare, education,[9] housing and communal services.[10] In comparison, independent experts from RBC magazine name law-enforcement agencies (including the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate) as the most corrupt sphere in Russia, which is followed by healthcare, education, housing and communal services, and social security services.[11] At the government level, however, the five top areas for corruption are as follows: Government contracts and purchases; Issuance of permits and certificates; Law-enforcement agencies; Land distribution and land relations; Construction."

Like I said, corrupt as fuck.

It's striking that the bulk of Trump's initiatives are about reducing funding for social programs, including education, to enrich special interests, lining the pockets of his supporters and himself, spending more money on law enforcement even though crime is down on the whole, and the list goes on. How do you assholes support this shit? I really want to know how it is, with all this, you would like to see Trump paling around with Putin or his representative, meeting with them privately, both at home and away? How the fuck is that even remotely ok with you?

I really want to know how it is, with all this, you think a hat rack in a suit who takes his lead from Fox and Friends is more reliable than your Intelligence and Justice agencies because I don't get it. He's basically owned by Robert Mercer at this point and he doesn't even know it, although Steve Bannon does.

"Of all the people who were influential in getting Donald Trump elected, much credit must be given to hedge-fund manager Robert Mercer. Mercer, who is about two pay periods away from being a billionaire, famously poured millions into Trump’s bid for the presidency, and, along with his daughter Rebekah, effectively installed Steve Bannonand Kellyanne Conway at the top of the campaign when it was floundering last summer. (His data-analysis firm, Cambridge Analytica, also pitched in, for a price.) And now, in an apparent bid to protect his investment, Mercer is opening up his wallet again, this time to rain fire and fury down upon Arizona Senator Jeff Flake, who recently had the gall to set himself apart from most of the G.O.P. by being openly critical of Trump.

Politico reports that Mercer, a Breitbart backer who, among other things, thinks the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a mistake and that nuclear incidents are no big deal (how apropos!), is contributing $300,000 to a super PAC working to replace Flake in 2018 with former State Senator Kelli Ward, who is running against Flake in next year’s Republican primary. Though Flake has opposed Trump, in his own wishy-washy way, since the 2016 election—skipping the G.O.P. convention in protest and calling on Trump to withdraw in the wake of P****gate—the senator has been ramping up his attacks of late. His new book, Conscience of a Conservative, explicitly argues that the Republican Party is to blame for handing a madman the nuclear codes.“If this was our Faustian bargain,” he writes, “then it was not worth it.”"
I just wonder, based on War Room support for a relationship between a KGB mastermind and cold blooded killer and a dimwitted big talker with a history of failed businesses (especially casinos-who doesn't make bank from a casino), public gaffes, obvious lies, ineffective personnel management, and ineffective legislative record, if these same people really understand just how corrupt the Russians, and Putin in particular really are?

Have you forgotten they're banned from international athletic competition because the state itself was in on organized doping of their athletes?

Have you forgotten Putin has repeatedly had journalists killed? Well, some of you might be ok with that based on your posts but....

Have you forgotten Putin mostly stays in power by lining the pockets of oligarchs? Remember Trump bringing in bankers, climate change deniers (big oil money), and representatives of Southern White Establishment (e.g. Sessions) as well as supporting the upper class with his intent to eliminate programs that help the poor and unemployed to decrease taxes on the rich.

Are you aware Trump spent more on travel to Mar a Lago in his first month in office than Obama spent on travel in 2 years in office? Any idea how much the secret service is being charged to rent an entire floor of Trump Tower?

Why is Trump so scared of Mueller looking at his tax returns?

"Mr Trump's trips have already cost the taxpayer $30m (£22.9m) on private travel to his estates, according an estimate from the liberal think tank, Center for American Progress." Obama, whom Trump repeatedly criticized, spent only about 3 times that in 8 years total. He also took over 3 times as many days "of leisure" as Obama in the same period.

"In his 2004 book Think Like a Billionaire, Mr Trump wrote: “Don’t take vacations. What’s the point? If you’re not enjoying your work, you’re doing the wrong job.”"

"An equally pessimistic picture emerges from the estimates of the average size of bribes which has substantially increased over the last five years. For example, according to the Interior Ministry’s Department for Combating Economic Crimes, the average bribe amounted to 9,000 Rubles in 2008; 23,000 Rubles in 2009; 61,000 rubles in 2010; and 236,000 rubles in 2011. In other words, the average bribe in 2011 was 26 times greater than the average bribe in 2008, many times the inflation rate for the same period.[8] According to Sergei Ivanov, the Kremlin chief of staff, the most corrupt spheres in Russia (in terms of household corruption) are healthcare, education,[9] housing and communal services.[10] In comparison, independent experts from RBC magazine name law-enforcement agencies (including the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate) as the most corrupt sphere in Russia, which is followed by healthcare, education, housing and communal services, and social security services.[11] At the government level, however, the five top areas for corruption are as follows: Government contracts and purchases; Issuance of permits and certificates; Law-enforcement agencies; Land distribution and land relations; Construction."

Like I said, corrupt as fuck.

It's striking that the bulk of Trump's initiatives are about reducing funding for social programs, including education, to enrich special interests, lining the pockets of his supporters and himself, spending more money on law enforcement even though crime is down on the whole, and the list goes on. How do you assholes support this shit? I really want to know how it is, with all this, you would like to see Trump paling around with Putin or his representative, meeting with them privately, both at home and away? How the fuck is that even remotely ok with you?

I really want to know how it is, with all this, you think a hat rack in a suit who takes his lead from Fox and Friends is more reliable than your Intelligence and Justice agencies because I don't get it. He's basically owned by Robert Mercer at this point and he doesn't even know it, although Steve Bannon does.

"Of all the people who were influential in getting Donald Trump elected, much credit must be given to hedge-fund manager Robert Mercer. Mercer, who is about two pay periods away from being a billionaire, famously poured millions into Trump’s bid for the presidency, and, along with his daughter Rebekah, effectively installed Steve Bannonand Kellyanne Conway at the top of the campaign when it was floundering last summer. (His data-analysis firm, Cambridge Analytica, also pitched in, for a price.) And now, in an apparent bid to protect his investment, Mercer is opening up his wallet again, this time to rain fire and fury down upon Arizona Senator Jeff Flake, who recently had the gall to set himself apart from most of the G.O.P. by being openly critical of Trump.

Politico reports that Mercer, a Breitbart backer who, among other things, thinks the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a mistake and that nuclear incidents are no big deal (how apropos!), is contributing $300,000 to a super PAC working to replace Flake in 2018 with former State Senator Kelli Ward, who is running against Flake in next year’s Republican primary. Though Flake has opposed Trump, in his own wishy-washy way, since the 2016 election—skipping the G.O.P. convention in protest and calling on Trump to withdraw in the wake of P****gate—the senator has been ramping up his attacks of late. His new book, Conscience of a Conservative, explicitly argues that the Republican Party is to blame for handing a madman the nuclear codes.“If this was our Faustian bargain,” he writes, “then it was not worth it.”"

What proof do you think would get through to the super right dudes on this board? Trump could be found hanging from a rope in the oval office and they'd either say he was just jerking off, or the deep state did it.
The admiration of Russia is the result of years of state propaganda, falsely casting Putin as a victim of NATO and the US, while he expands into sovereign countries, and undermines democracies around the world through media and spies.

It comes at a time when American "conservatives" are flogging themselves over the sin of treating women, gays, and blacks with decency, and they long for an authoritarian correction of the nation's identity. They greatly preferred a white, murderous, thieving, strutting homophobe to our diminutive black leader. Correcting our identity is worth literally any price to them. Even nuclear war.
In a battle of corruptedness between Russia and Pakistan, I'd take Russia as being less corrupt in a heartbeat.

Russia population as of 2016: 144.3 million

Pakistan population as of 2016: 193.2 million

And Pakistan is a US ally. Yeah. It's also the world leader in producing terrorists and terrorist groups.
Who gives a shit?

The most xenophobic people in the world are the butthurt American liberals.
Another country, US ally far more corrupt than Russia: Nigeria - 186 million people (the US is Nigeria's largest trading partner). The North of Nigeria is infected by Boko Haram and other Islamic extremism.
Different culture, hard to judge
The admiration of Russia is the result of years of state propaganda, falsely casting Putin as a victim of NATO and the US, while he expands into sovereign countries, and undermines democracies around the world through media and spies.

It comes at a time when American "conservatives" are flogging themselves over the sin of treating women, gays, and blacks with decency, and they long for an authoritarian correction of the nation's identity. They greatly preferred a white, murderous, thieving, strutting homophobe to our diminutive black leader. Correcting our identity is worth literally any price to them. Even nuclear war.
Mmm ok
The admiration of Russia is the result of years of state propaganda, falsely casting Putin as a victim of NATO and the US, while he expands into sovereign countries, and undermines democracies around the world through media and spies.

It comes at a time when American "conservatives" are flogging themselves over the sin of treating women, gays, and blacks with decency, and they long for an authoritarian correction of the nation's identity. They greatly preferred a white, murderous, thieving, strutting homophobe to our diminutive black leader. Correcting our identity is worth literally any price to them. Even nuclear war.
Wow... let's all give Mr. Fawlty a slow clap for tugging on our heart strings and basically putting every single liberal virtue signal talking point out there in a very short, concise, paragraph. Bravo.
stop group quoting me you cock sucking f46.
lol, if I've ever group quoted you before, that means that you're posting right wing non-arguments more than you should.

Derp derp salty liberals is not an argument and not a good response