i agree but i think they fucked up in one major way. They focused on the corrupt government angle. Cambodia is having PR issues in east asia due to the call center human traffiking stuff.
they crossed the line by having the fake governemnt soldier uniforms and the kinapping stuff appearing to have been cause by corrupt soldiers or somethign along those lines.
the prime minister of cambodia even said it himself that those dudes deserve to be in prison because the fake news they spread deters tourists which takes money out of peoples pockets.
anecdotally my wife works for a tourist trip plan thing guide stuff company. they cant move trips and tours in cambodia, SEA in general is less popular but people are legit scared here to go to cambodia mainly from the news.
for jonny boi the more i think about it, i bet korea is going to try to have their cake and eat it too. sentence him kind of harsh (more than a couple of years) but cut him loose via deportation after he serves a bit of time and the message gets out.