Hasbulla vs Abdul Razik is the fight to make at 35 pounds for the BMFM

The Eagle

Black Belt
Dec 23, 2018
Reaction score
Hasbulla vs Abdul Razik
35 pound weight limit
For the Baddest Motherf***** Midget

Won't be surprised if Dana somehow pulls it off.


I doubt the commission would touch it, nm the UFC. These guys are physically disabled, not just small human beings. It would be a nightmare if one got hurt. UFC has always distanced themselves from freak fights with actual trained fighters.

That being said, I will watch the shit out of it <Lmaoo> Abdul likely smokes him.
Why are you guys even paying attention to these little foreign disabled people? It’s weird. Now they’re hitting each other and people are cheering them on?
I'm not sure if Abdul Razik can make 35lb division. He is pretty big for that division, hope his diet and weight loss is on point.
This seems to be the one trend MMA fans haven't gotten tired of.
It was funny at first. I've got a 2 year old son, so maybe I'm just getting old or turning into a male-Karen, but watching this little shit go around punching grown people in the face at will is not cool.