Yes and no.
When I was an adolescent and actually started purchasing my own music, I started with the Stones(I had heard Sum 41 and I exhausted this CD when I was 10-11), then started listening pretty regularly too my local Rock radio station(only good thing to listen too where I live), then got recommendations from friends and my uncle about Rock bands, then I moved on too heavier shit, the Traditional Metal/Thrash Metal then slowly began too get into the extreme shit, all over the course of like 3-4 years, the beginning of my teen years. I listened too a bit of rap, like Eminem back in grade 7, back when 8 Mile came out and he was all any little white kid could talk about, but I found him to be kinda over-rated, I dunno, anyway.
I've been a diehard fan of Metal ever since and I'll never stop listening too Metal(although there was a period in my early 20's where I barely listened too music at all and just lived and breathed MMA fandom) but I've really opened my mind greatly since then.
When I was a teen, I was under the impression that Rap music was tasteless garbage that took no talent(for the most part anyway) that Pop music was pathetic and boring and that Metal basically was the most bad ass, kickass and artistic music there was(it's still number 1 for me, but I don't look at Rap and Pop the same way anymore, atleast, not so much). I like alot of Popular music of today now actually.
I also used too look at clean vocals in Metal as kinda sissy for awhile, or, atleast Power Metal style vocals and the subject matter as fucking sissy, but I've completely changed my opinion on that, now I live for well written vocals, sung by a talented singer.
I've given electronic music more of a chance too. I always liked Daft Punk from back in the day and I'm really not a big fan of Dubstep(I have no idea about different genres or anything, don't really care like I do with Metal either)
I still hate Country for the most part though, I don't think I'll ever enjoy that stuff, not like back when I was just a youngster going on Road trips with my Dad and Country and Soft Rock and Enya were the only genres of music I knew existed(that's not really true, I had obiously heard of many styles of music, but I didn't really own much of my own music until I was 12). I listened too alot of it before I reached adolescence and I'll just say, my opinion of the genre has been formed already, there's not much about Country that I enjoy, nor ever will I'm afraid and I don't think that makes me close minded at all, I've heard alot of country and I know I don't enjoy it, having dislikes as well as likes are perfectly natural.
Anyway, I've expanded my horizons since my teens and am open too pretty much anything(except Country... unless like, it's Garth Brooks or something), doesn't mean I like anything and everything, the music still has to connect with me and Metal will always be my number 1 genre, but most genres I'm open too.