Has your Jiu-Jitsu hit a wall?


Brown Belt
Apr 27, 2008
Reaction score
This has to be one of the best online training website to date for supplementing your training and breaking through walls.

But what are some other things you guys do to get over plateaus? I know for me, injuries has forced me to use positions I was weak in which eventually led me to being strong in those positions. After two major injuries improving different areas in my game..I started simulating injures and forcing myself to not use specific body parts while training or forcing myself to work from certain positions. Any one had any similar success or different strategies?
This has to be one of the best online training website to date for supplementing your training and breaking through walls.

But what are some other things you guys do to get over plateaus? I know for me, injuries has forced me to use positions I was weak in which eventually led me to being strong in those positions. After two major injuries improving different areas in my game..I started simulating injures and forcing myself to not use specific body parts while training or forcing myself to work from certain positions. Any one had any similar success or different strategies?

Draculino is world class. Thanks for sharing the link.
This has to be one of the best online training website to date for supplementing your training and breaking through walls.

But what are some other things you guys do to get over plateaus? I know for me, injuries has forced me to use positions I was weak in which eventually led me to being strong in those positions. After two major injuries improving different areas in my game..I started simulating injures and forcing myself to not use specific body parts while training or forcing myself to work from certain positions. Any one had any similar success or different strategies?

I no longer believe that plateau hitting is possible if you train with the right frame of mind. For me i pick areas of my game to focus on and work those areas for sevearl weeks to a month. My goal during the class is to land techniques/maintain theories of the position that im working. After every class i look at what i did right and what went wrong. I found with this mind set you are constantly positvie and up beat about training and you conitune to improve.