Has Dana ever mentioned Sherdog by name?


Steel Belt
Sep 5, 2012
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Seems like it would have happened before given how popular this site is in the MMA community. Didn't he have beef with he founders back in the day? He has to have at least lurked at one point
He would bless this bum site with its bum souls.
Yes he's mentioned it a while back
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Dana is a sherdogger himself he always does shit to piss of us because he knows our opinions . BTW who gives a shit about baldhead when the goat Mousasi mentioned us
yeah i remember ages ago he mentioned it but took the piss out of us keyboard Warriors who have no lives and masturbate all day
Sherwood, the founder of Sherdog.com — the most visited and longest-running MMA site on the web, used to sell UFC DVDs through the site’s web store, but according to Sherwood, a disagreement about the profit margin his company should receive put him at odds with White and led to his credentials being yanked in 2005. In 2009 Sherdog received its credentials back, only to have them pulled again in 2010. When asked for an explanation by Gross, who was writing for SI at the time, White replied via text message: “None of your fucking business.”

Sherwood, the founder of Sherdog.com — the most visited and longest-running MMA site on the web, used to sell UFC DVDs through the site’s web store, but according to Sherwood, a disagreement about the profit margin his company should receive put him at odds with White and led to his credentials being yanked in 2005. In 2009 Sherdog received its credentials back, only to have them pulled again in 2010. When asked for an explanation by Gross, who was writing for SI at the time, White replied via text message: “None of your fucking business.”


I remember the forums were wide open in 09-10 with threads about this
Whenever he says FUCK just replace it with SherDog!
Did Loretta Hunt continue writing for Sherdog after Dana went on that infamous rant?