Hey man! First of all, great that you got in the ring. Second of all, you need some adjustments obviously.
One of the main things I noticed was your face getting close to your opponent five minutes before the rest of you does. Y'see when you do this you place yourself off balance even if you don't realise it. I would recommend keeping a straighter back as this will make it easier to balance, and also it means that your face will be further away from your opponent. In short, you'll be less likely to get knocked down, be it, or fall over when lunging in.
Speaking of lunging in, you do it a lot, you dive straight in with a punch but you don't move off line (like Lyoto Machida) or have a good guard up, meaning that rather than bltizing from a distance in a way that is startling, you're instead (especially when considering my first criticism) face launching yourself into a potential punch or front kick. You'll be really surprised how much even a jab can mess you up when you're in a collision.
Also, if I could elaborate on what Frode said about the front kick you're using. The reason why it raises eyebrows is because you're using it when your opponent is already at a distance, and it appears to be a push kick, as opposed to a snap kick, meaning you're not going to get nearly as much effect from it. I did notice that you were using it mainly when your opponent was nearer the ropes, but I would actually suggest you resist the urge to push kick your opponent onto the ropes, because it will actually create MORE distance between you and your opponent, and the time it will take for you to get to the ropes, the more likely your opponent will already be gone.
What Dieselnoi (pretty much the best knee fighter in Muay Thai) would do is teep like mad, but when he was close to the ropes rather than push kicking them the rest of the way, he would just walk them down with punches and knees to secure their spot on the ropes.
Everything else I can think of that could be seen as flaws seem more like issues in actual technique that you'll no doubt workout with plenty of sparring. I just hope I was able to help strategy wise! Keep at it man, you're already doing more than most people. Please post your third fight when it happens!