Happy new years

Happy New Year everyone!

Neat party trick... I'm sure she would clean up on tips working at a bar.
Everything was stone cold when it arrived and the microwave screwed with the texture, so food was shit. Milkshake was good though.

UberEats and Deliveroo apps have been deleted from my phone. All home cooking from here on our, plenty of food and veg.

I went to the gym for the first time in eight days yesterday morning. Ran a mile on the treadmill, mile bike, then did some squats with a kettlebell, some swings, followed by raising them over my head a few times, some press ups after and finishes off with chin ups.

I intended to do my regular routine but the gym was packed this morning. It may be better if I kept away from it. I'm certain that I'm the strongest that I've ever been, but my movement is poor, I have nagging pains in my left big toe and down my right leg and I'm approaching twenty stone.

2024 was an interesting year for me in hindsight. I had a bloodclot in April and I blew a few thousand on trying to buy a flat, then pulling out at the last minute. On the plus side, I am making fairly good money now, so I was able to blow off the wasted money and after a couple months more saving, I'm now about to buy a new build and should be moving in a couple of months.

2025? I have to lose weight, I have to own my first property and I must go to Japan. I've put it off for years.

Happy New Year all.
Been cleaning and drinking mildly since the afternoon, will be turning it up a bit soon when I get downtown Toronto..go going to be good times as usual. OD'd in the summer so I've been getting better with that.

Still writing away for the theatre companies in Canada. Sold a play to Stratford theatre and working on another.

Enjoy your night everyone and cheers to the New Year!
Everything was stone cold when it arrived and the microwave screwed with the texture, so food was shit. Milkshake was good though.

UberEats and Deliveroo apps have been deleted from my phone. All home cooking from here on our, plenty of food and veg.

I went to the gym for the first time in eight days yesterday morning. Ran a mile on the treadmill, mile bike, then did some squats with a kettlebell, some swings, followed by raising them over my head a few times, some press ups after and finishes off with chin ups.

I intended to do my regular routine but the gym was packed this morning. It may be better if I kept away from it. I'm certain that I'm the strongest that I've ever been, but my movement is poor, I have nagging pains in my left big toe and down my right leg and I'm approaching twenty stone.

2024 was an interesting year for me in hindsight. I had a bloodclot in April and I blew a few thousand on trying to buy a flat, then pulling out at the last minute. On the plus side, I am making fairly good money now, so I was able to blow off the wasted money and after a couple months more saving, I'm now about to buy a new build and should be moving in a couple of months.

2025? I have to lose weight, I have to own my first property and I must go to Japan. I've put it off for years.

Happy New Year all.
Damn dude, twenty stone... gotta get on that or you're not going to make it past middle age. Exercise is good but it's 90% about the calories in part.

Hope it all goes well for you in 2025.
New Years? There's more than one this time? That's kinda like saying, "Happy Birthdays!"