Happy Holidays:


Doctor of Doom
Staff member
Senior Moderator
Feb 22, 2005
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I know I don't post nearly as much as I used to, but I'm still watching. Hope you all have a wonderful Holiday season, and remember, if you're gonna gain some weight, sport it with pride:

Damn rights! I have personally started my foray into pigging out already. Loving it!

Merry Christmas all!
lol i haven't stopped eating since thanksgiving...
I've been home for a few days and have been good for the most part until today... think I ate about a dozen sugar cookies and too much alcohol for just daytime stuff. oops
Watch the video if you haven't already, you'll feel better.
Pizza pizza pizza!
Hahah, soo funny.

Happy Holidays everyone!

I got hit with two injuries back to back and have been baking a ton of cookies the last couple weeks. Lets just say I'll have some work to do come the new year.
I know I don't post nearly as much as I used to, but I'm still watching. Hope you all have a wonderful Holiday season, and remember, if you're gonna gain some weight, sport it with pride:

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

NSFW language
Ugh, at least mine had to do with food.

Er...maybe that vid belonged in the home made sausage thread.

Now I'm going to go vomit so I can eat dinner later.
Haha i'm actually loving that beat! more than the original even
Ugh, at least mine had to do with food.

Er...maybe that vid belonged in the home made sausage thread.

Now I'm going to go vomit so I can eat dinner later.

Don't say I didn't warn you. I was just going along with the "eye rape" theme.