Hand to hand close combat training

"Drop Any "Bad-Guy" Who Dares Lay A Finger On You Or Your Loved Ones...Instantly!"

When this is the lead in, you know a scam is coming. When that line is attached to a semi-well done marketing video that says things like "You can learn to defend yourself WITHOUT hard work and with no fighting knowledge" well, that pretty much seals the deal. Plus, "Captain Chris"?

There are some decent close quarters self defense programs out there. This isn't one of them imo.
Do some BJJ/GJJ and some legit striking for a couple years, then you will have more of an idea and be able to learn and execute any techniques so much better.

I think you will come to the conclusion that it's stupid and you can't learn solely from videos.
It's shit. Anybody who tells you they will teach you "How to snatch a loaded gun right out of a "Gangsta's" hand so damn fast it will literally tear his trigger finger off! (And then immediately—without even thinking about it—cave his chest in without skipping a beat.)" is a fucking charlatan.

Sounds like that old Lt X/Captain Chris garbage from ten years ago. I've seen some of his actual DVDs that people bought, piss poor.