International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

That’s literally directly from the report.
so is my quote. sounds like the digital media is showing something other than what you think it is, doesn't it? if only they mentioned what they saw over and over throughout the report.... oh yeah, they did. naked corpses. they say over and over that they are led to believe sexual violence occurred because some of the dead bodies were naked. therefore rape. those dirty muslims must be raping. it's not like muslims believe women being uncovered is a source of shame and would do so for humiliation. no they had to be raping dead bodies because they're dirty muslim savages.
so is my quote. sounds like the digital media is showing something other than what you think it is, doesn't it? if only they mentioned what they saw over and over throughout the report.... oh yeah, they did. naked corpses. they say over and over that they are led to believe sexual violence occurred because some of the dead bodies were naked. therefore rape. those dirty muslims must be raping. it's not like muslims believe women being uncovered is a source of shame and would do so for humiliation. no they had to be raping dead bodies because they're dirty muslim savages.
Why are you leaving out corroborated direct witness accounts?
Why are you leaving out corroborated direct witness accounts?
because they don't say who the witnesses are and what their relation to the event is. they also explicitly state there were only a few survivors of the actual attack interviewed. another couple of direct quotes:

"The main challenge was the limited number of and access to survivors/victims of sexual violence, and to survivors and witnesses of the 7 October attacks."

"Further, the internal displacement of several communities from the Gaza periphery to other locations, there location of survivors of the Nova music festival attacks both internally and to third countries as well as the deployment of 7 October first responders from the military forces to combat, hindered access to first-hand information"

"The mission team also faced several additional challenges and limitations in its endeavor to gather information on incidents of sexual violence. There was a lack of access to first-hand testimonies of survivors/victims of sexual violence."

so who did they interview? well they tell you who they interviewed. right here:

"On 8 November 2023, the Office of the SRSG-SVC received an official invitation from the Government of Israel through the Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN, to “first-handedly hear and see the testimonies and evidence of these heinous acts [of conflict-related sexual violence].” On 27 November 2023, the Office of the SRSG-SVC responded positively to the invitation and laid out parameters for the visit."
so the eyewitnesses, at least the majority of them according the UN, are Israeli government officials and IDF.
I guess you could do the former, but you haven't yet done the latter. You utterly failed at that part.

This time I didn't prove you wrong. You proved yourself wrong by claiming that Israel has donated close to 100 million dollars this year and then showing a picture of a list of donors that doesn't even fucking include Israel nor have Israel on top of the fucking list (which descends from the highest amount donated to the lowest) when the highest country on said list donated only 25,000,000 dollars. Thanks for doing my job for me. I appreciate the gesture.

I see you're back to your deceptive ways. Notice you're putting the totals from 2016-2024 . Meanwhile Israeli lobbies gave more than 100 million in 2024 ALONE.

A more accurate comparison would be this below. Same exact source as your lame attempt.



So where the fuck is Israel on the list, you schmuck? And activate your Windows already, you cheapskate. And if you're going to post the results for this year, make sure to use the latest data (which you can't at the moment because I've already proven to you that the results for 2024 is currently being audited with my screenshot).
This time I didn't prove you wrong. You proved yourself wrong by claiming that Israel has donated close to 100 million dollars this year and then showing a picture of a list of donors that doesn't even fucking include Israel nor have Israel on top of the fucking list (which descends from the highest amount donated to the lowest) when the highest country on said list donated only 25,000,000 dollars. Thanks for doing my job for me. I appreciate the gesture.


So where the fuck is Israel on the list, you schmuck? And activate your Windows already, you cheapskate. And if you're going to post the results for this year, make sure to use the latest data (which you can't at the moment because I've already proven to you that the results for 2024 is currently being audited with my screenshot).

Pro-Israeli lobbies dork - not the country. You're looking at the wrong page - the one for foreign governments.

Israeli lobbies are uniquely registered as not a foreign entity. And I linked the pages already.

Get some mental help - it seems you use this message board for therapy or something with these nonsensical emotional outbursts.
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Pro-Israeli lobbies dork - not the country. You're looking at the wrong page - the one for foreign governments.

Israeli lobbies are uniquely registered as not a foreign entity. And I linked the pages already.

Get some mental help - it seems you use this message board for therapy or something with these nonsensical emotional outbursts.

So why did you post a screenshot of the foreign entities? Use your fucking head here for a goddamn second. You tried to prove that Israeli lobbies spent nearly 100 million dollars in 2024, yet the screenshot says otherwise. And can't you see the individual lobbies listed to the right on your screenshot? Also, where are the links you mention in your post that I quoted?

You're just completely making shit up and changing the subject and shifting the goalposts when I've got you cornered. This is your last stand.

There's nowhere else to hide and nowhere else to run, boy.