International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

The last 72 hours have been devastating for Hezbollah but incredibly entertaining for those of us on the right side of history.

100% agreed. Withholding food, water and medicine to starving children is definitely the right side of history.

BBC reporting one of Hezbollah's top commanders has been killed in an airstrike on Beirut.

Beirut strike kills suspect in 1983 bombings that killed 300 Americans​

"Israel killed a top Hezbollah figure who was wanted by the U.S. for his role in the 1983 bombings of the U.S. Embassy and a Marine Corps barracks that killed 300 people, the Israeli military confirmed Friday.

Hezbollah's operations commander, Ibrahim Aqil, was the subject of a $7 million State Department reward for information leading to his arrest.

The Israeli military said it had killed Aqil and as many as 10 other senior commanders of the movement's Radwan special forces unit. Twelve people were reported dead and 66 injured in the attack, Lebanese officials said.

"The Hezbollah commanders we eliminated today had been planning their ‘October 7th’ on the Northern border for years," Israeli army chief General Herzi Halevi said in a reference to the 2023 Hamas rampage that killed 1,200 Israelis."

I was 14 when it happened. I remember watching the Marines sifting through the rubble looking for their brothers. This person could've chosen to have their day in court, but instead of being judged by 12, they chose to be carried by 6.
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It's actually quite easy, just go to to a profile and click on "postings".... that took me like 30 seconds.

Worked like a charm to show how hypocritical you are. You literally laugh emoji every one of my posts in real time. You're the dick rider, clearly.

I laugh at maybe one of your posts a day for some of your most extreme posts. I have also liked some posts as well(can't remember if yours or another poster I typically disagree with). You just blindly reacted with a laugh emoji to every single post of mine regardless of what I said. But I am glad you at least publicly acknowledged essentially harassing me. No worries. For a second there I thought you got thread banned again.
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My issue is that Israel has been colonizing for 75 years, created the world's largest concentration camp, committed war crimes and plausible genocide, established a culture of kidnapping, rape, adn murder of nonJewish civilians.

Moroever, zionists in the West have coopted our systems to provide funding and weapons to facilitate the above, and if one even dares to question zionists they are cancelled- even when they are Jews.

Just an fyi- I stop reading your posts when I get to the first misrepresentation/lie, so if you want to resond to a longer post, try to see past yor Jewish Supremacy and actually read and understand my arguments.

You are a disingenuous poster. I appreciate you letting me know you don't read my posts or engage in good faith. It will save me some time.

Unlike you, I read everything others write within reason if I bother to engage with them. The difference between you and I is that I engage in good faith. I have my biases just like you have yours.

You write a bunch of bullshit as fact. You just repeat the same emotionally charged propaganda over and over and over like verbal diarrhea. That's certainly your prerogative.
Yeah but we have to pretend only Israel are aiming for and striking valid targets, but every time someone kills an Israeli serviceman or fires back across the border, that's totally different and totally terrorism.

Bottom line: it's the same damn coin.


Now you get it

That's war and exactly how it works

And it goes on til one side quits or dies. And all of your short term cease fire nonsense just means that you kicked the can down the road again and neither one of these groups can live a normal peaceful life and it's guaranteed that there will be more conflict and more terror and more blown up kids.

If you want the Palestinians to actually be free and prosperous and not be perma occupied and bombed than the war needs to actually end. With concrete peace terms and borders....which means someone is going to have to surrender and admit defeat and there is going to be winners and losers and what the loser gets is likely not going to be 100 percent fair.

But I don't think most people bitching in this thread give an actual fuck about the Palestinian people they are just the tool being used for people to feel comfortable spitting out their anti jew bullshit.

A countries first priority is the defense of its people. Israel can't stop until the Palestinians do and for some reason even with all the carnage they just refuse to tap. It's absolute madness. And as a parent it infuriates me that these people care more about a fantasy than they do their own flesh and blood.
100% agreed. Withholding food, water and medicine to starving children is definitely the right side of history.


Thank you for saying this and for showing this. This is the reality that many folks ignore.

There needs to be serious concern for the major humanitarian issues going on over there. If you aren't at least thinking about that when you discuss this topic, then you are a bit indoctrinated.

As a foreign observer, this whole thing is fucking tragic and gross. I support Israel, but it is hard to watch at times. The innocents in those regions pay a heavy toll, per usual. I hope both Hamas and Hezbollah fail and fall, but the price in watching them be destroyed is revolting at times due to their parasite-like entanglement with the local populace. Those poor people have suffered far too much already..
Have you ever heard of AIPAC or other zionist lobbies?


I read anti Jewish conspiracies on the internet a lot to support my confirmation bias, and I'm super confused that you guys don't read and believe this bullshit too.