International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

Ziontard: reality = CT but other religions can be criticized

No, you're a conspiracy brained fuckwit that shouldn't bother dabbling in any of this, but you're too brain rotted at this point.

All religions can be criticized in America, but you see a conspiracy every time you look at a black cock. It's not the same thing weirdo.

The idea that the Jews control everything is an idea that has only existed in the minds of the shittiest people in human history.
No, you're a conspiracy brained fuckwit that shouldn't bother dabbling in any of this, but you're too brain rotted at this point.

All religions can be criticized in America, but you see a conspiracy every time you look at a black cock. It's not the same thing weirdo.
No, you're a conspiracy brained fuckwit that shouldn't bother dabbling in any of this, but you're too brain rotted at this point.

All religions can be criticized in America, but you see a conspiracy every time you look at a black cock. It's not the same thing weirdo.

The idea that the Jews control everything is an idea that has only existed in the minds of the shittiest people in human history.
Typical zionist. Misleading and dishonest on my point.
Quick let's say they're "Hama's supporters". oh wait not possible they're israeli reservists who served in the current massacre. how is the gang going to spin it.


Quality read for those interested

Omer Bartov is one of the preëminent historians of the Third Reich. In the course of his four-decade career, he has written numerous books and articles examining Hitler’s regime, with a specific focus on how Nazi ideology functioned in institutions such as the German Army. Bartov was born in Israel, and served in the military during the country’s war in 1973, against several of its neighbors, including Egypt and Syria. He currently teaches at Brown University.
Come on, man. Give Mad Mel the respect he deserves. I mean, I had my doubts about him playing William Wallce, but look how he turned out: a wife-abusing, alcoholic, racist mysoginist with a criminal record.

Talk about Method Acting - you can't get more Scottish than that! 😁
As an actor he's unimpeachable. As a comment...

Quality read for those interested

Omer Bartov is one of the preëminent historians of the Third Reich. In the course of his four-decade career, he has written numerous books and articles examining Hitler’s regime, with a specific focus on how Nazi ideology functioned in institutions such as the German Army. Bartov was born in Israel, and served in the military during the country’s war in 1973, against several of its neighbors, including Egypt and Syria. He currently teaches at Brown University.
Tried to read it but it looks like it’s behind a paywall for us
Tried to read it but it looks like it’s behind a paywall for us
Bugger thats a shame the entire thing is very interesting. But I don't feel right just yoinking the entire thing. Here's two questions I think are relevant to this thread

The Israeli media has been broadly very supportive of the war, and there has not been sufficient coverage of the situation in Gaza. I’ve heard lots of people say Israelis aren’t seeing the same war that everyone else is seeing. Did you sense that people you were talking to were having their views shaped by the Israeli media, or is it more that the Israeli media is just a reflection of how people feel?
Look, it’s hard to say, but I think it’s both. I think the media is catering to a particular sentiment in the public, yes. But I also think the media is just not doing its job. It’s not reporting about what’s going on in Gaza. And so people have to watch, say, Al Jazeera. And most people don’t. You can’t actually watch it now in Israel on TV anymore. [Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet voted to ban Al Jazeera broadcasts in Israel after a law passed by the Knesset, in April, gave the government the power to close news outlets that were deemed threats to national security.] You have a bunch of military correspondents on all the major news outlets, and they go all the time to Gaza. They’re attached to various military units, and they speak with generals. And they give you exactly the Army’s version of what’s going on. They rarely ask any critical questions.

Now, there are, of course, a lot of people in Israel who are protesting. I went to a protest on a recent Saturday night. There are those who are protesting to change the government. There are those who want to stop the war. There are those who want to exchange the hostages. And so there are protests. I don’t think they’re going to make a difference, but there are protests by different groups—but they’re not really about what’s going on in Gaza. They are about the sense that this government is leading us nowhere (which is, of course, true), and that things can get much worse in a really big hurry in Lebanon. There’s a lot of fear in Israel about that. But there’s no talk about the situation in Gaza, specifically.
To return to the students who told you that they were in Gaza for the right reasons and acting ethically: Did you feel that they were sincere?
First of all, let’s say again that these people I met are not representative, of course, because they are members of a right-wing organization.

One of them said to me, “I’m going to be called up again and I really don’t want to go.” But they feel, first of all, that they’re doing the right thing, and it’s very important for them to stress that. My sense is that, underneath all of that, there was a lingering sense of guilt. These people had just stood outside and shouted that I was a traitor; but, at the same time, they actually wanted to come in and they wanted to talk. I think that they saw a whole lot [in Gaza] that they themselves have not processed. So I don’t think that they’re lying, but I think that, unfortunately, there is a distortion of reality.
They know what they’re seeing, but then they have to interpret it in a way that does not put them in a particularly bad light. And so they can say all kinds of things. They can say, “We took care of them.” They can also say, “But they’re animals.” And they can say, “They all support Hamas.” People who are in that state of mind will say a whole lot of things that are contradictory; I think they believe them, but there’s something underlying all of this, which is that they are in denial. They’re actually denying to themselves, and not just to me, some of what they saw and experienced.

Edit - also mentioned they're all likely suffering varying levels of ptsd.


On the bright side

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Perfect example of not holding Judaism to a different standard than other religions.

lol. This is the big lie. To be an observing religious Jew means to believe this.

Even if you are correct those ultra orthodox Jews run US and Israeli policy.

Where's your proof for any of this?

I suspect most pro-Israel US groups are not ultra orthodox Jews or at all.

Where's the evidence they run policy in Israel? US?

In Israel they are barely part of a coalition government and have a small voice(and only somewhat recently since Bibi is losing broader support). In US they are insignificant ....

Yes quite a few of the ultra orthodox Jews are batshit crazy. In US we have plenty of Christian Evangelicals/and other sects and various Muslim sects which will easily give them a run for their money. In US the extremist Christian groups are far more influential(to the point of electing government officials/president) yet somehow you're not on here condemning them. Why is that?