Half of gun owners say mass shootings are something society must accept

Are mass shootings something society must accept?

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I'm on the side of respect for the rights of the individual.

The whims of the collective should always take a back seat to the rights of the individual.

If you want people to come to your position, you need reasoned arguments. Guilt tripping and browbeating quit working for the left 5 years ago.
I gave a myriad of reasonable suggestions, and you guys won't even discuss them. Your entire argument is the slippery slope fallacy. That's it. Arguing from emotion is a bad look.

Cool meme
I gave a myriad of reasonable suggestions, and you guys won't even discuss them. Your entire argument is the slippery slope fallacy. That's it. Arguing from emotion is a bad look.

It's not a slippery slope. You haven't proposed anything we haven't heard, the cats out of the bag as far as reasonable solutions to mass shootings goes. It's why gun rights advocates keep saying no.
Comparing gun rights to driving is a pretty bad argument as for one there is no constitutional right in place to protect automobile ownership. As well as vehicles are probably the most abused privilege in the U.S. Far too many people drive unlicensed or on suspended licenses. You'll have about as much success with these restrictions as you would controlling peoples activities while driving.

Enforce the laws on the books. It's a felony to lie on a 4473 yet those that do are almost never prosecuted.

The point is that taking action on a certain activity is going to have disproportionate effect on those taking part in that activity by default, hence it not being a persuasive argument. Even loosening gun laws disproportionately affects gun owners (or potential gun owners for that matter), so if we're utilizing that as a standard, then nothing is going to be passed for anything. This is generally why we tend to look at laws in terms of constitutionality instead of disproportionate effect. You could pass a law saying that left handed people have to live in New Mexico and it could be constitutional depending on implementation. We wouldn't just strike it down because it disproportionately affects left handed people.
ITT the "reeeeeee!! Trumps a fascist!!" crowd is trying to argue away the 2nd amendment.
I gave a myriad of reasonable suggestions, and you guys won't even discuss them. Your entire argument is the slippery slope fallacy. That's it. Arguing from emotion is a bad look.
I think most of us did discuss them...........
Perhaps people should start cutting down on antidepressant medications that explicitly have a side effect of "suicidal thought".

SSRIs have been debunked by scientific study. It's another bullshit talking point of the right.
I gave a myriad of reasonable suggestions, and you guys won't even discuss them. Your entire argument is the slippery slope fallacy. That's it. Arguing from emotion is a bad look.
If the ideas weren't so idiotic and doomed to fail you might have a discussion.
mass shooting is defined as 4 or more people. The most common association is some lunatic shooting up a mall, which is not the most common example. Do i think we should accept what happened in vegas as something that just happens, no. But, when 4 gangbangers get mowed down in some urban hell hole, well that is just part and parcel
I gave a myriad of reasonable suggestions, and you guys won't even discuss them. Your entire argument is the slippery slope fallacy. That's it. Arguing from emotion is a bad look.
Your three suggestions (far from a myriad) were:

1: National Firearms database

2: purchase tracking software

3: A nebulous and poorly stated ammo tracking and/or limitation.

Since you asked, let's break these three down.

1: The recent case of Hawaii medical marijuana patients is an excellent example as to why gun owners resist registries. You can be a law-abiding person today, and reclassified into a prohibited person tomorrow with little more than the stroke of a bureaucrats pen.

The Hawaii case isn't some slippery slope argument either, it's happening as we speak. To my understanding, it's being reviewed right now because of the massive president this would set.

2: I have the right to engage in private transactions with my private possessions.

3: As I told another poster in this thread, the idea of limiting ammo purchases falls under the category of punishing gun owners simply for owning guns. It's none of your concern, nor none of your business how much ammo anyone else owns.

I don't refuse your demands out of any emotional avarice, I refuse your demands because they're unreasonable.
SSRIs have been debunked by scientific study. It's another bullshit talking point of the right.
So these medications don't come with the explicitly stated side effect of "suicidal thoughts"?

Just saying something's been debunked without providing any evidence is just intellectual laziness on your part.
No law will ever stop this from happening and nobody is ever giving over any weapons, that's just plain fantasy. Its going to happen no matter what.
ITT the "reeeeeee!! Trumps a fascist!!" crowd is trying to argue away the 2nd amendment.

Considering that I killed a gimmick by posting exactly why Trump resembles a fascist, you almost certainly just went full retard.
Ridiculous thread.

Try as hard as you want to brainwash people into giving their rights. You cannot delete the second amendment.

Reading comprehension issues?

Trump checks boxes for fascist tendencies, and a far better poster than you saw fit to throw in the towel instead of trying to fight the reality as presented.

Need me to dumb it down further?
Ridiculous thread.

Try as hard as you want to brainwash people into giving their rights. You cannot delete the second amendment.

Retarded poster.

Try as hard as you want to brainwash people into thinking that you're any more than a mouthbreather. You cannot delete your mental defiencies.

falsedawn. The killer of gimmicks. Get a fuckin life lol

Reading comprehension issues?

Trump checks boxes for fascist tendencies, and a far better poster than you saw fit to throw in the towel instead of trying to fight the reality as presented.

Need me to dumb it down further?

So why are you trying to restrict the only means of fighting a fascist government?

FD: dahhh I want a pretzel!

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