Half of Conor's fan won't buying UFC 200

It really says something about the majority of Conor Mcgregor´s fans when they can´t even spell his name. No wonder most of them are casuals and idiots.

Not Connor.
Not Conner
Not Corner

Learn the difference. His fans are just the stupidestestestest evererer. Mi noy spieak anglesh.

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Ughh... fucking Conor fans

Why am I supposed to care how much money the UFC makes?

I'll watch a couple fights and move on with my life. How many other people are watching the same fights makes no difference.
Half of Conor's fans are on the dole. Airfares for the Irish contingent are generally paid for w/ funds secured from shady bareknuckle tilts and low-brow construction/contracting scams.
is UFC 200 a spoken word album??

Bouts will be decided by slam poetry. Pundits predict Chael & teh Carny will be battling it for GOAT spots in teh near future, but Karo is a dark horse and could be dangerous if his brings a strong nursery game to the slams.
Still talking about this shit... just let it go, man.
Oh well, those suckers think that mcnugget would actually be competitive with Mayweather.
Half his fans?

Was there a poll or something I missed?